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You woke up the next day, actually excited to go to school for once. You stretched and checked your phone, seeing a text from Hoseok.



Good morning!!! I'm not going to school today. Not feeling well.


You sighed and shook your head. It was like him to do something stupid so that he doesn't have to go to school.

You texted back an, "Okay. See you later❤" and did your morning routine.

After, you ran down to the kitchen to grab an apple. You washed it and started to eat it as you grabbed your bag. You walked to the front and left for school.

You walked in silence, eating your apple, and sometimes tossing it in the air and catching it. As soon as you entered the school, you found the closest trash can and threw it in.

Going into school, you headed down to your class. But before you could enter, someone pulled you back. You turned around to see Jin and the rest, including Momo, looking at you.

You crossed your arms and asked, "What do you guys want?" You tried to say it confidently, but it came out weak and soft.

"It's about that picture incident," Jungkook said.

You sighed, "I don't want to talk about it. If you're going to apologize, Taehyung already did. You don't need to make it more of a big deal." 

Jimin spoke up, "That's not the only reason we wanted to talk to you. It's about Yoongi."

"I know about Yoongi already. Taehyung told me and when you guys came to my house to talk to Hoseok, you talked about him, too, didn't you?" You told them.

They all fell silent, but you could see that Momo was a bit irritated, "(Y/N), listen. First of all, I can't believe you would eavesdrop on us. Secondly, what we said was true. And, it still is. Just continue to stay away from him."

"The only reason that I'm staying away from him is because of Hoseok. It's because he told me to. Don't think that I'm doing this because of you. I'll see you guys." you said, walking off.

But you stopped in your tracks when Namjoon called after you, "Where's Hoseok?" He asked.

"He's home. He told me that he's not feeling well," you told them, continuing to go to class.

You sat down in your seat, waiting for Ms. Kim to enter. No one paid attention to you anymore. Not only not bullying you, but not even glancing at you. That gave you a bit of time to think about what just happened. You noticed that they seemed a bit on edge as they spoke to you. And you noticed that Taehyung wasn't there, either. You didn't think too much of it and shrugged it off. 

The bell rang and Ms. Kim entered the class. You didn't see Yoongi come in. You felt lonely but you didn't care at the same time. Class started and you waited for the day to end.

School ended and you walked to the closest convenience store. You were looking for things that would make Hoseok feel better. You were planning on visiting him since the morning but you weren't going without a few things.

School was uneventful. Nothing really big happened, but you didn't mind. It was nice. You wanted it to stay like this forever but fate had something else in mind.

You finished buying everything you needed before going straight to Hoseok's house. You knocked on the door to see his mom open the door, "Hey, Mrs. Jung." You greeted cheerfully.

"(Y/N)' I'm so glad to see you. So, what brings you here?" She asked.

"I'm here to visit Hoseok. He told me that he wasn't feeling well," you explained.

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