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You woke up, for once, happy to go to school. After you met with Yoongi, you talked for hours and hours. You left the park at midnight but stayed up for another two hours. You both texted each other in that time. You ended up falling asleep at around 2:30 in the morning. 

You stretched your entire body, yawning as you did. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. You went to the washroom and took a quick shower. Once you finished, you began brushing your teeth, going back into your room to check your phone. You turned it on and found a text from Hoseok.



Hey, where were you last night?? I came over but you weren't there. I'm worried. Text me as soon as you see this💖


You smiled at the text but thought about what you should tell him. You can't tell him that you were with Yoongi. He would be furious. He basically hates Yoongi, and Yoongi hates him in return. 

You quickly thought of a lie that seemed believable. You texted using your free hand, continuing to brush your teeth.



Sorry, I went to the library. I wanted some time alone, so that's why I wasn't home. I promise that next time I'll call you to tell you I'm fine💕


You put your phone down and walked back into the washroom. Finishing up, you washed your mouth and went back to your room to get dressed.

After getting dressed, you fixed your hair and looked into the mirror. 

Nodding to yourself in approval, you grabbed your bag and ran into the kitchen, "Good morning, mom." You said happily, seeing her making breakfast for your dad and herself.

"Good morning. Do you want breakfast?" She asked.

You shook your head, "Not today. I'll get breakfast with Hoseok." 

Your mom stopped what she was doing for a second, before smiling and continuing, "How is Hoseok, anyways? Has he told you anything?" Your mom asked mischievously. 

You rolled your eyes and smiled, "He's fine. And we're dating, if he didn't tell you already."

She turned to you and hugged you tightly, squealing like a little girl, "I'm so happy for you. I told you that he's always loved you." 

You chuckled, "I know, I know. But it's only been two days since we started dating. Don't start jumping to conclusions."

She pulled away and rubbed your shoulders, "Well I have to. I'm already planning your wedding in my head. You'll look so beautiful in the dress I have in mind."

You shook your head and moved her hands, "God, mom. Why're you like this? We have a long way before he even proposes." 

She sighed and checked the time, "Alright. You should get going. Hoseok is probably leaving his house now." 

You grabbed your bag and ran to your room to get your phone. You saw a text from Hoseok. 



Hey, it's fine. Meet me outside your house, I'll be there in a few.


You smiled and put your phone in your pocket. About to leave your room, you felt your phone vibrate. You grabbed it and saw a text from Yoongi.



Hey. Do you want me to pick you up? I'll be driving past your neighbourhood.


You bit your lip, not wanting to reject your new friend. But you lied to Hoseok and he would be mad if he found out any of this. 

Looking at both names in your contacts, you texted the one you wanted to meet with.



Sure, I'll meet you here.


Putting your phone away, you walked outside and waited.

Mine Forever || Yandere!M.YG x Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now