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"(Y/N)? Are you still in there? I brought food for you. Make sure to eat, I don't want you getting sick." SLAM!

You sighed and brushed your hair. Yoongi had been coming in your room more often than before. It was starting to become even more consistent every day. You started to run into the bathroom every time he would open the door.

You opened the door slightly and peeked out into your room. Seeing another tray of food on your bedside table, your stomach felt as if knives were trying to poke through. You haven't eaten for three days straight, and seeing food isn't really helping your streak.

You still weren't sure about what he could've put in the food. Since he was letting you feed yourself, he knew that you were hungry enough to eat everything. But you weren't going to trust anything he gave you. Well, besides the clothes.

You crept up to the food and smelled it, your stomach becoming more enthusiastic about it. You gripped your stomach in pain and continued to examine the food. It seemed harmless enough, all of his food did when he gave it to you. Still, you always left it alone.

You sat down on your bed and ignored the pain and noise from your stomach. You closed your eyes and a memory of a few years ago flashed in your mind.

"C'mon, (Y/N). You have to eat. You need to stop starving yourself for others"

You shook your head, "I can't. I'm gaining too much weight by eating."

"So what? If people don't love you for who YOU are, then they're not worth your time. Please, just eat."

You shook your head again, "I need to look pretty."

"You are pretty. You're more than that, you're beautiful. Inside and out, you're an amazing person. If anyone thinks otherwise, they don't know what true beauty is."

You felt yourself smile shyly, "Thanks, Hoseok. You always know how to make me feel better."

He smiled in return, "Just doing my job "

You opened your eyes and you smiled sadly at the memory. You did recover after that day. You ate as much as you could and you didn't care about the looks people gave you. Hoseok was there, happy to see you healthy and back to yourself again. It was nice knowing that you had someone always there for you. And, you had to do the same.

You quickly stood up and started looking around your room for anything useful. You had to save Hoseok. You didn't have a choice, and he would've done the same for you.

Going to a drawer in your bedside table, you pulled on it, but it wouldn't budge. You tried again, but nothing. You looked at it more carefully to see that it was locked. You silently swore to yourself and ran to the bathroom.

You searched through the cabinets and drawers for anything you could use to pick a lock. You weren't a professional, but you were taught the basics by Jimin. Just in case you were stuck in a situation like this. And, there you were.

You managed to find a small hairpin in the corner of the room, along with a paper clip. 'How convenient.' You smiled to yourself.

You crouched down in front of the drawer and started to pick it. You listened carefully for the click of the lock. You felt yourself sweat nervously, hoping that he wouldn't come inside.

"Come on... Come on..." You mumbled.

You heard the door to your room creak open and you quickly jumped onto your bed. You looked to see Yoongi, but he didn't seem too happy. He slowly approached you and you felt yourself break into a cold sweat, "(Y/N), what were you doing?" He asked.

"N-Nothing. I-I was just looking a-around," you quickly said.

He sighed and pointed to a corner of the room. You turned and saw a small, silver camera in the corner. You gulped in fear and looked back to Yoongi, "I saw everything. And, I can hear everything. There are cameras and voice recorders everywhere in this room. You can try to find them and destroy them, but you wouldn't be able to find all. You can think that you found everything, but you wouldn't have. So, don't even try."

He came closer to you and you brought your knees up to your chest, trying to protect yourself, "Just so you know, Hoseok is still alive. You're lucky enough I let him live up to now. But, if you try anything like that again, I'm going to kill him where you can see."

You couldn't speak. Already knowing that he was still alive brought you to shock. Of course, you were hoping to find him alive, but you had a feeling that he wasn't. One question came to mind though, and you just had to ask, "Why can't you let him go? You have me already. You don't need him anymore. You've made him suffer for long enough. He'll leave us alone, so why do you still have him?"

Yoongi chuckled lowly and smiled, "My innocent (Y/N), when will you realize that it's not only about me having you, but it's also about getting rid of the ones that you love. You only need my love, and you only need to love me. No one else can get in the way of us being together. I can't let Hoseok go. He's going to take you away from me again. I can't let that happen, you know that. The only thing I can do is make sure he goes through all the pain possible. Until he forgets you, then he will die. I need to know that he forgets you before he dies. Then, I will know for sure that I'm the only one who loves you."

You felt yourself start to cry and Yoongi quickly hugged you, "Shh, it's okay, my love. I'm here, and I always will be." With that, you cried even more.

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