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There are mature themes in this chapter since it explains what basically happened to (Y/N).


After pushing you into your room, Yoongi couldn't calm down. He wasn't sure why, but he felt more and more angrier by the second. Maybe it was because you tried to escape. Maybe because you disobeyed him. Maybe because you lied to him. Who knows.

He went into his room and checked the security cameras. The ones in your room weren't working anymore, so he couldn't see what you were doing. The room where Hoseok was kept was dark, but Hoseok's form was visible. He was stuck in his chair, passed out. Yoongi smirked and quickly flipped through the rest of the cameras outside. He soon became bored and checked the time to see that it was midnight. He sighed and decided to go to your room.

He walked quietly into your room and gently knocked. He didn't hear anything, so he slowly opened the door. He saw your sleeping figure in the bed and couldn't help but smile. He sat at the edge of your bed, admiring your features. He caressed your face and unknowingly leaned closer to it.

Before he knew it, he was less an inch away from you. He could feel your soft breaths as you slept soundly. He looked down at your lips and licked his own. Without hesitation, he kissed you. It slowly became more and more intense as his feelings poured through the kiss. He began to strip off his clothes along with yours. His cold hands touched around your body and your unconscious body squirmed under his touch, wanting it to go away.

But, Yoongi didn't care. He wanted you to feel how he felt about you, even if you were asleep. In his mind, you wanted this. You were waiting for this moment for a long time. So, without a second thought, he slammed into you continuously. He was going to make you feel the pain he went through when he was trying to get you, too. The only thing he wished for was to hear you scream.

After about 30 minutes, everything was done. He pulled out and cleaned up. He cleaned both himself and you. He got dressed and put your clothes back on. He picked you up bridal style and carried you to another room. He tucked you in and kissed your forehead, whispering, "We're going to be great parents for our beautiful baby."

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