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"I-I'm sorry, I haven't seen her in a few days."

"Where could she be? I've been so worried. She's been gone for weeks. Thank you, Namjoon. Please let me know if you see her."

"Alright, I will. Don't worry, Ms. (L/N)," Namjoon waved her off and closed the door.

He took a deep breath and checked his phone. It's been weeks since you went missing. Everyone is looking for you, even the people who bullied you. Namjoon and the rest thought it was weird that the people who were never your friends, to begin with, were looking for you. It never made sense to them, but it was better to have a lot more people looking for you and Hoseok.

Namjoon felt his phone vibrate and took it out. He saw a text from Jungkook.


Anything new?


Namjoon sighed and put his phone away. There was nothing more to find. No more clues or evidence that led to you and Hoseok. Him, along with Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, and even Minhyuk, have been trying to find both of you. They had nothing. They've been trying ever since the second day you were gone. They already knew what happened, but they couldn't tell the police. Yoongi already threatened them about telling any authority. The four students had to make sure that Minhyuk didn't tell anyone else. If he did, they all would've been dead.

Namjoon went into the kitchen and looked through his fridge. He wasn't hungry, but he had to eat. He hasn't eaten for days because of everything. He lost his appetite knowing that you could be getting tortured and you couldn't do anything. The rest had to force him to eat if he wanted a chance to find you. Honestly, he didn't know why he wanted to find you so badly. You both weren't the closest of friends, but you were always there for him when no one else was.

Namjoon slammed the door closed and went up to the bathroom to take a shower. He had the need to relax and calm down. He didn't know what to do with himself knowing that you're stuck somewhere underground with a psycho. And, he knew that Hoseok wasn't going to be in any better shape than you. He wasn't even sure if Hoseok was still alive. Especially because he was gone for months. No one really knows how he's doing.


After he texted Namjoon, he left home to go to the gym. He had to get rid of his anger and stress. It felt like forever since he's seen you and Hoseok. He missed both of you. He still cared about you two, he just didn't like to show it. It was weird not seeing you go to your locker after school every day. It felt like a part of him was missing. You were pretty close to him. Probably the second closest, behind Hoseok. You always took care of him. You treated him like your younger brother. You always thought of him like one, too.

As Jungkook walked down the streets, he came across a bunch of papers taped to posts and windows. They were all for you. He found it sick, seeing your pictures everywhere. He missed seeing you every day, even if it meant he was going to bully you. He felt like an idiot for hurting you so much. You loved all them all like siblings, and they threw that love away.

Entering the gym, he walked to the back where no one was. He stretched before going to the weights. He tried to pick up one of the more heavier weights, but he almost dropped it on his feet. The thought of Hoseok came to his mind and he felt his anger boil. No one was looking for him as much as they were looking for you. 

There were no posters of him around the neighbourhood. No one in the school asked about where he was after he was gone for a week. But when you were gone for two days, everyone was talking about it and started to help look for you. Everyone was throwing Hoseok under the bus and leaving him. No one cared. Except for his old friends and his family.

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