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"Hurry up, guys! The results would be in by now!" Jimin shouted to the others.

They quickly caught up to him and they got onto a bus. After Jimin searched the closet and found that mystery liquid, he took it to one of his dad's close friends. He analyzes evidence to find out what exactly it is. He promised Jimin not to tell his dad about anything related to the evidence. Jimin wanted to take this investigation into his own hands since he knows how you, Hoseok, and Yoongi are like personally.

They all sat silently on the bus, waiting to get to their stop. Jimin was brushing his hand through his hair and biting his lip, nervous about the results. He wasn't sure what to expect. What if what he found was nothing? What if it didn't help with anything at all and he was just wasting time? He kept doubting himself.

They finally reached their stop and quickly got off of the bus. Jimin ran with the rest of them following behind. They stopped in front of a house and Jimin rang the doorbell, not stopping until someone answered the door. After a minute, someone swung the door open and glared at Jimin, "Jimin, what are you doing here?"

"Mr. Do, what else would I be here for? What did you find on the evidence I found?" Jimin asked, his heart racing.

Mr. Do leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms, "Sorry, but I told your dad about it."

"W-What?" Jimin asked in disbelief.

"I told your dad. He's running this investigation, so he has to know."

"But, you promised me that-"

"I know. I said I wouldn't tell your dad or anyone else. But, that was incriminating evidence. We have to do what we can to find them as soon as possible."

Jimin couldn't speak. He knew that they were going to be in danger, that's why he wanted to do the rest on his own. He knew what Yoongi was capable of. They didn't know what they were going up against.

Namjoon grabbed Mr. Do by his collar angrily, "You don't know anything about Yoongi. He's going to kidnap them, maybe even kill them. You won't be able to find them. And, if you do, they'll be dead."

Mr. Do pushed Namjoon's hand away, "Listen, kid. What you're doing right now isn't helping. All of you don't have any experience with this kind of stuff. Jimin only has a limited amount of knowledge about this kind of stuff, he's just dragging you along with him."

Namjoon couldn't contain his anger. He was about to punch Mr. Do, but Seokjin and Jungkook held him back, "Why does it matter if Jimin doesn't know about everything?" Minhyuk spoke up, "He's learning and he knows what he's going against, unlike you and the police. If you actually let Jimin try, maybe he would've been able to find them."

Mr. Do didn't know what to say, he just stared at Minhyuk in disbelief, "W-Who exactly is this person?"

Minhyuk let out a weak laugh, "A murderer, psychopath, everything bad. If anyone messes with him or gets in his way, he'll either kill them or make them suffer. There's no in between. So you should be careful. He might come after you if he finds out how the police found him. Also," Minhyuk stepped in front of Mr. Do, looking down at him. "If you tell him that Jimin gave you the evidence and he doesn't kill you, I'll be the one who does."

Mr. Do gulped and nodded. Minhyuk walked away, "C'mon guys, let's go. This was a waste of time."

Jimin, Seokjin, Jungkook, and Namjoon followed Minhyuk back to the bus stop. Out of all of them, Minhyuk was the one who wanted to find you the most. He would do anything to find you, and he was happy when Jimin brought up the idea of finding you themselves. But, there was no way they could find you. Not anymore. That chance was taken away from them and they just had to wait, hoping that you would be found.

If only they knew that, a few months ago, was the last time they would see you. 

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