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You woke up in a dark, cold room. It was pitch black as you tried to look around. Only one lonely lightbulb hovered over you. You tried to move your arms but they were tied up. You tried the same with your legs and the same result.

You felt chills go up your spine as you listened for any noise in the deafening silence. The only sound heard was your soft breathing.

There was nothing you could do. You couldn't find anything that could help either. You were about to give up, but you remembered the events from earlier. You didn't want to call for him. You couldn't trust him anymore. You were scared of him. You didn't know if he was going to hurt you or not, but he would probably kill you if you tried to escape.

But you had no other choice, "Y-Yoongi?" You called for him and your voice echoed against the walls.

You gasped as you heard footsteps approaching you. You waited quietly for him to come up to you. And he did, "How's my sweet (Y/N)?" He asked sweetly.

"Yoongi, can you please let me out? If you love me, you would," you told him, trying to convince him, but it didn't work.

He shook his head, "I can't. If I let you go, I might not see you ever again. You might run away from me and leave me alone. I can't take that risk."

"I-I promise I won't. Please," you begged.

Yoongi leaned down and grabbed your chin, holding it firmly as he took note of the fear in your eyes.

He pouted slightly, "Why're you scared of me?"

"I-I'm not. I'm just so happy that I get to see you for so long," you said nervously.

He stared at you for a minute, then smiled, "That's a relief. I thought you didn't want to see me."

'So he can't tell the difference between fear and happiness? Does he know what love is?' You thought, noticing how he believed you.

"Y-Yoongi, do you know what love is?" You asked him, curious about how he thinks of love.

"Isn't love wanting to be with the person forever? Isn't it knowing everything about them? Isn't it taking pictures of them, even when they don't know? Isn't it trying to make them fall in love with you? Isn't it taking them away from everyone and keeping them to yourself?"

Your eyes widened as he kept going down the list. You interrupted him before he could continue, "Yoongi, were you stalking me?"

He nodded happily, "Of course. I have so many pictures of you of when you're at home, or out shopping. I know so much about you. I even know things that you don't even know about yourself."

You pursed your lips, scared to hear his answer for this next question, "How long have you "loved" me for?"

He thought about it for a minute, then his eyes turned dark, "I've loved you ever since I saw you in the class. I didn't know what the feeling was at first but after you talked to me during lunch, I realized that I loved you."

Your heartbeat quickened, 'So, if I never talked to him, would he have still done this?'

"Yoongi, d-did you k-kill anyone?" You asked, hoping that he gave the answer you were looking for.

"I did. For you," he said, reaching his hand out toward you and caressing your face.

You moved away from his touch and he looked at you with sad eyes. It wasn't too long until that look turned into anger. He snarled and grabbed your chin harshly, "Be thankful for everything I did. I killed those people for you."

You felt tears start to fall, "S-So, you k-killed Mark?"

Yoongi ran his hand through his hair, "Of course! He hurt you, and I had to make sure he never hurt you again." He shouted.

You flinched when he started yelling and you started to cry quietly. He noticed but didn't care. He continued to yell about the things he did, "I'm the one who told everyone to stop bullying you! I'm the one who was there for you when no one was! I'm the one who protected you from those people who hurt you! I did everything for you, and this is how you thank me?"

You couldn't take it anymore and you started shouting in return, "You didn't help with anything! I didn't ask anyone to stop the bullying! I was going to deal with it myself! And I didn't ask for your comfort! I didn't ask for anything from you! What you did made everything worse for me! You don't deserve a 'thanks' from me."

Yoongi became furious when you started shouting back at him and he slapped you as soon as you were done. You cried out in pain as a red mark stayed on your face, "You don't shout at me. I did this all because I love you." He said before walking away.

You sat there, alone and crying. Yoongi never acted like this before. You never expected this side of him. He was crazy. Crazy about you. He was obsessive and possessive of you. You couldn't get away from him. He would always look for you, no matter how far you were. He would probably kill himself if you died. He was that crazy.

But you haven't seen all his colours yet.

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