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As he was being dragged away from you, he couldn't do anything. He could only stare at you as your form slowly disappeared in the darkness.

Yoongi started to drag him up some stairs and Hoseok winced in pain, feeling his cuts and bruises graze the chair. Yoongi smirked knowing how he was hurting Hoseok.

The trip up the stairs felt like forever until there was smooth ground again. Yoongi pulled the chair to the end of a room, walking away and flicking on the light. Hoseok was blinded by the bright light, his eyes adjusting slowly as the room became clearer. But when he realized what room that was, he knew that it would be his last day alive.

Hoseok felt fear encase him as Yoongi approached him, "Don't you remember what I told you about (Y/N)? I gave you a warning, and you still didn't listen. So tell me, what exactly did I tell you?"

Hoseok took a deep breath and glared at him, "I'm not saying sh-" Cut!

Yoongi cut Hoseok's nose. Hoseok's eyes widened and he stared down, his hair covering his eyes. Yoongi lowered himself to see Hoseok's face, "What. Did. I. Tell. You."

Hoseok shut his eyes tightly, "If I talked to (Y/N), she won't ever see me again."

Yoongi smirked, "That's right. Now," he walked up to a table that was filled with weapons. "How would you like to die?"

Hoseok couldn't say anything. He was about to die. He wouldn't be able to see his family again. He wouldn't be able to see his friends again. And, he wouldn't be able to see you again.

Yoongi picked up a cleaver and approached Hoseok. He brandished it and smirked more, "Would you like a slow, painful death? Or a fast, painless one?"

"How about neither? I think I prefer that option."

Yoongi growled and rested the blade on Hoseok's arm, "If you speak again, I'll cut your arm off. You wouldn't be able to hold (Y/N) ever again. I doubt you'll even see her again."

Hoseok smiled, "At least I know that she won't ever love you."

Yoongi became furious and brought the cleaver back up, then slammed it down. Hoseok screamed in pain and agony. Yoongi sliced through Hoseok's arm, separating it from his body. Blood spilled and spurted around the room. Hoseok passed out before he could do anything else.

Yoongi dropped the cleaver and looked around for some rope. He managed to find enough to tie Hoseok's arm to stop the bleeding, "My (Y/N) will love me, whether she likes it or not. If she doesn't, I'll kill the only person she loves right in front of her."

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