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Another day of school.

Another day of bullying.

Another day without Hoseok.

Another day trying to recover.

That's how it's been.

It's been almost two months since Hoseok went missing. The police have been looking for him ever since you informed them about it. And the bullying continued. Every day was the same as it used to be.

The boys that harassed you were expelled, but you never see them around at all. They lived in the same neighbourhood as you and you would see them at the park almost every day after school, but they weren't there anymore. You thought that maybe they didn't want to face you after hurting you like that, but it was new and sudden.

Yoongi continued to comfort you about Hoseok being gone, and it was beginning to work. You would sometimes forget that he was missing, and think that he was at home, safe. Or, that he was on vacation. But when you got home, you would remember that he was really gone.

You opened the door to the classroom and went straight to your seat, ignoring all the stares. You put your head down, resting your head on your arms, and closed your eyes. You haven't been getting enough sleep for the past few days. You weren't sure why, but your body was trying to warn you about something.

A few minutes later, you felt a tap on your shoulder and the sound of the bell was heard. You quickly sat up and looked around. You saw everyone leaving the classroom for, what you assumed, lunch. You looked to the person to see Yoongi. You rubbed your eyes, "What time is it?" You yawned.

"It's lunch. You slept through class," Yoongi smiled.

You lightly slapped his arm, "Why didn't you wake me up? I missed everything."

He chuckled, "I was going to, but Ms. Kim told me not to disturb you. When I asked her why, she just shook her head and told me to leave you alone."

You nodded and slowly stood up, "Thanks."

He crossed his arms over his chest and watched you pick up your bag. You felt his eyes on you and you looked at him, "What?"

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

"I don't know. My body and mind just won't let me. I don't know why," you told him, shrugging.

He sighed, "Next time you can't sleep, call me. I'll come over and help."

You snorted and started to walk to the door, "What are you going to do that's going to help? Sleep with me?"

He nodded, "Yeah, if that'll help."

You felt yourself blush lightly and you walked out the room, Yoongi following closely behind. "Why're you running away from me? Did I say something wrong?" He smirked.

You pushed him lightly, "Shut up, I'm never sleeping next to you."

"I wish I could," he mumbled under his breath.

"What'd you say?" You asked.

"Nothing. Let's go eat," he said, leading you to the roof.

You both sat down in your usual spot and ate, laughing and joking around, as if nothing bad was happening in the world. That's how Yoongi made you feel. And that's how Hoseok used to make you feel.

Lunch ended and you told Yoongi that you would meet him in class. You ran to the washroom, needing to use it badly.

As soon as you entered, you heard talking. You hid behind the wall that was in front of the door and listened. You wouldn't have, but what they were talking about was... shocking.

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