When nobody else remembered her, he did; he kept her stories alive. He remembered she was different from her fellow deities in that she could never try to hide and stay quiet in the masses of humanity. And because of this, she paid a unjust price. But no matter how many times her memory was wiped and they attempted to erase her influence on the world that he sees everywhere, he never let it fade. How could he when the first other entity like him he met when he was just a fledgling god himself is seared indelibly into who he is? As she once again noticed something deep in her consciousness telling her there was a piece of her missing she needed to find, she learned there was somebody she could never truly part from neither.
A LITTLE EXTRA : Credit goes to Funfreeze on YouTube for the Makkari vid it's hard to find one and I loved it entirely too much and to RealPrez on Tenor for the K'uk'ulkan GIF that had us all immediately sitting up
Yes you read this right this is my wildest crackship yet so yea it goes least a little AU -- especially since Eternals starved us of millenia of Makkari content y3ni not knowing what the best Eternal got up to all that time was INSANE honestly I feel like there was so little of her she could have her own storylines a infinite number of em
БоевикCan I even do this if I've never written a story in my life Side Note -- I just need to reiterate or iterate what I reiterate later -- my titles are shit they're ridiculous y3ni like if you actually like a concept in here, you don't even need to ask...