Chapter 1|| Moving Schools

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Leaving behind all the suitcases, everyone heads in the direction of the kitchen where Jimin prepared dinner for everyone.

Jimin sat next to his mother and on the other side of the table sat his new members of family. "Jimin this looks delicious!" His mother exclaims with shining eyes.

He smiled to himself. "Thanks eomma, you better eat up if you're hungry." He said suggesting and his mother immidietly started to eat the soup with noodles. Jimin took the first spoonful of his soup while being satisfied with the taste. To be honest he thought that it's going to taste worse then it actually is which made him very pleased.

"Wow, this tastes delicious, doesn't it Jungkook?" Said Jungkooks dad and Jimins eyes snaped on Jungkook who is supposed to answer his father but before he did he saw that Jimin is also waiting to know his thoughts on the food.

"It's nice." He muttered taking another spoon into his mouth.

That was enough to satisfy and bring a small smile to Jimins face. "I'm glad you all like it." He said and after that his mom decided to make a small talk with Jungkook.

"So Jungkook, since you have moved here, isn't it far away from your current school?" She asked and Jungkook lifted his head up to look at her.

"Well yeah, I guess now I would have to wake up much earlier than usual and take a bus to school." He answered. Jimin was quietly listening in to the conversation but didn't look at anyone to not make Jungkook suddenly stop talking.

"Well you see, me and your father have been  thinking about this and maybe, you'd want to join the same school as Jimin?" She suggested and now both Jimin and Jungkook looked at Jimins mom in slight shock. "I mean Jimins school is much closer and it only takes Jimin twenty minutes to walk there." She pointed out. "Plus it's not like you're going to be alone there. I'm sure Jimin would introduce you to his group of friends." She added then looked at Jimin. "Right?" She smiled at Jimin and Jimin (Being the nice person he is) agreed with his mother. That would also give him a chance to maybe get to know Jungkook if only he'd start feeling more comfortable around him.

"If you need some time to think this over, we will wait, but please keep in mind that this will make things easier for you." Said Jungkooks dad and he just nodded in agreement still not saying wether he will change his school or not.

When it looked like everyone has finished their meal Jimin stood up to take all of the bowls and went to put them in the dishwasher while his mother said she will go rest for a bit as well as help her new partner unpack in, now, their room. It was easy enough to guess that Jungkook will go do the same, so now Jimin had no clue on what to do. Usually he'd go focus on homework but since today he didn't get any he's surprisingly confused on what to do next.

He had few options:
He could go on a walk to clear his mind while listening to music.
He could try befriending Jungkook again, but then again there's a slim chance he'll even let Jimin in his new room.
He could text someone to hang out with if they're free or he could just go to the Dance Studio that he likes to go to with his friend Hoseok when they're both free.

Although considering that it's not the weekend then most likely all of his friends will be busy doing some weird stuff they usually do. Honestly Jimin doesn't really hang out with his friends out of school when it's not the weekend. Mostly because he's the one who's the most busiest of all of them so they learned to ask to hang out with him when it's the weekend and Jimin has less things to take care of.

So in the end he chose to go for a small walk. Walking up the stairs and heading to his room he found his earphones and imidietly connected them to his phone. Before walking out of the house he quickly notified his mother that he is going out for a walk and that if he's needed to just call him. He walked back downstairs and slipped his shoes on while putting his earphones in his ears. He took his keys then left the house closing the door behind him.

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