Chapter 36|| Cuddles

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|Jimin's Pov|

In the morning I woke up cuddling up to Jungkook. Immediately I tried shuffling away from the guy as i felt my cheeks hearing up to an unknown me temperature and my heart speeding up twice as fast than before.

The moment I managed to shuffle somewhat away Jungkooks arms wrapped around me so now he was pulling me close and cuddling to me. "Where are you going? I'm still sleeping.." Jungkook said quietly; almost in a whisper, in his morning raspy voice.

"Jungkook.. but I don't know what time it is and what will happen if Seokjin or Namjoon come to 'wake us up' and see us like this?.." I asked in the same tone as him but he ignored my remark and tried shuffling even more close to me. Only then I felt how the warmth from his body started to transform on to mine. "Jungkookie.." I pleaded as I really was scared of being found out yet Jungkook decided to ignore that fact.

"Just check your phone for the time." Jungkook stated. He leaned on my chest with his head probably listening to my heartbeat.

"See, here is the problem, I left my phone home like most of us should've as Hoseok did mention we shouldn't bring phones with us to just enjoy ourselves." I argued and that's when Jungkook groaned unhappy, shuffled away from me and turned around on his side so that his back was facing me instead of his face. I never knew that Jungkook enjoyed sleeping so much as well as it seems like I made him upset about this situation. I sighed giving in to Jungkook and ending up still cuddling to him. "But, you know I still love your hugs right." I almost whispered against his ear to make sure he'd hear me but it seems like that startled him more than made happy that I wanted to cuddle again. He almost in a second turned himself around to face me again but it was visible to me that his cheeks have turned a bright pink colour.

"Did you just.. whispear into my ear?.." He questioned. I furrowed my brows not understanding where the problem lies.

"Um.. yeah to not be too loud and so you could hear me." I replied.

"Please can you.. not do that next time? I just don't really like the feeling of someone's breath against my ear." He reasoned and that's when I realised something.

"Wait-" I begun with eyes wide open. "Could it be that your ear is your.. sensetive spot?" I questioned and Jungkooks face truned from bright pink to bright red and I felt like I just discovered some kind of power that I could over-power Jungkook right now. "Oh.."

"Are you going to use that information against me now?" He asked.

"Depends if you're going to annoy me in any way." I replied mostly joking but I think the guy took it really seriously. I immediately laughed and gave Jungkook a big cuddle. "I'm joking! Calm down." I tried calming the guy down. "I wouldn't do that or be mean to you in anyway." I reassured him. That's when his facial expression changed from fear to a smirk and I immiedietly felt unsafe.

"I also think I deserve to know your sensetive spot since you know mine." He reasoned and now I was the one who felt uneasy and I gulped down my saliva. He wasn't wrong but also not right, just then he started to laugh like he just said the best joke of all time. "I'm joking, don't worry!" He exclaimed. "I don't need to know if you're uncomfortable with it, so no pressure." He added and I sighed with relief.

"Well since you're fully awake now I think it's time to move your ass and get dressed so we can go eat some food." I said getting out from underneath the blanket and turning towards my backpack where I packed my clothes. It took Jungkook a while before he actually did the same, I really didn't know how lazy he could get but I guess you learn new things everyday.

When we both got changed we exited the tent to be met with Seokjin already shuffling through the good to probably find something for breakfast for all of us. "Morning hyung." Greeted Jungkook brushing his hair with his fingers. Seokjin turned his face to look at us and smiled.

"Good morning you two." He replied, shortly after finding something he was apparently looking for.

"Is Namjoon still asleep?" I questioned walking over to the food and looking for something to eat myself.

"No he's just too lazy to move his lazy ass out here." Seokjin explained and my eyes immiedietly drifted to Jungkook thinking of just few minutes ago when I tried to get him out of the tent as well. "But other than that, did you guys sleep well?" He asked adding to the previous sentence before.

"Yeah I slept well." I answered nodding my head as well.

"Honestly I would've slept better if someone wouldn't have woken me up so early." Jungkook complained giving me a playful death stare I smiled kind of proud of myself as I started eating.

"Well at least I woke you up and not Seokjin. He'd be screaming like the end of the world is about to happen." I stated and almost a second after I felt a smack around my head from Seokjin who was behind me trying to scold me with a mouthful of good which made whatever he was saying unhearable. I laughed and rubbed my head to ease the pain that my friend has caused me. "I'm not exactly wrong though am I?" I added and recived another smack but this time on my arm. Seokjin seeing that I'm still laughing shook his head in disbelief and disappointment.

"Ah Jimin, you make me realise what a grown man Jungkook is and how childlish you are."

"I know right." Jungkook commented agreeing with Seokjin.

"Yah!" In that moment I started to chase Jungkook around trying to smack his back or arm or whatever I could smack at that time.


So this is just a chapter. Nothing important.





Btw you'll all hate me after the next chapter thay I'll hopefully post tomorrow


I hope you all still enjoy this book 😂❤🙏


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