Chapter 28|| Back to 'I Hate You'

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  |Jimins Pov|

"Jimin, we need to talk."

I gulped down my saliva feeling nervous. I tried as hard as possibleto not give it away though. "Yeah? What is it?" I asked not looking at him.

"Can I come in first?.." He questioned and I nodded quietly while stepping back to let the younger one in and then close the door after him. I stayed leaning on the door with my back while staring at my feet on my cold wooden floor. 

"So.. what did you want to talk about?" I asked lifting my gaze up at the younger but taller one who was about four meters away from me.

"I saw your comment on my instagram picture." He said and i replied with a surprised/not really 'oh'. "I know I haven't been with you guys as much as I used to be but-" I had to cut him off there knowing that he's wrong.

"Acctually, you haven't been with us ever since you and Jisoo became really close." Jungkook turned his gaze away realising that I was right, looks like now he doesn't know what to say. "What I commented on that photo were my and others real feelings. We miss you with us, they all think you got yourself a girlfriend and abandoned us but I know that isn't the case. If she's not your girlfriend that why did you suddenly left us? It couldn't simply be because she's your new friend." I added hoping to get some answers from him. 

He sighed.

"I just.. I've been going through a rough time, you know and I-"

"Yeah I understand, but still you know you could've talked to us."

"No- Jimin, I couldn't. Believe me I couldn't. I mean I could.. But I chose not to." He said and I furrowed my brows, I walked towards him a few steps to look at him more clearly.

"What do you mean, you chose not to? Are we not trustworthy now?" I asked getting annoyed, to be honest the question was more asking if I wasn't trustworthy, after all we have been living under the same roof for months now and we're going to be actual stepbrothers soon. Shouldn't there be turst between us? Especially since we talked out differences out.

"That's.. That's not what I meant." 

"Then tell me. What is it? I think there should at least be some trust between us." I said crossing my arms. Jungkook sighed again.

"I just.. I just can't seem to get over you.." He whispered hoping that I wouldn't hear but I clearly did. My heart sped up and my arms fell down to my sides. Why am I feeling like this? I knew that he liked me in that kind of way but.. why am I reacting this way? I shouldn't-? This is.. new? 

Jungkook looked up and his frustrated eyes met mine. At that point I think we both didn't know what to do, instead we just stared into each others eyes hoping that somehow we'll get answers for our questions we kept on asking ourselves. I bit my inner cheek as I finally broke the 'staring contest' and looked the other way. "I uh.. I think that you still shouldn't have left us like that.." I said quietly trying to calm myself down.

"Jimin do you even understand what I'm saying?" Jungkook asked sounding frustrated and angry at the same time, I turned to look at him and I was caught by surprise when he grabbed my shoulders to make me look at him straight in the eyes. "Jimin. We're going to be stepbrothers while I am trying to get way too close to you. This isn't good, not even in the slightest, but you just decide to ignore it and pretend like nothing ever happened?" He questioned with anger starting to built up in him.

"I never said that-"

"Well you make it seem like that." He said seeming like he's about to spit acid at me. This made me go back to the times where all he would do was give me cold glares and throw insults.

"You know.. You're acting awfully like the Jungkook I met the very first time.." I said quietly lowering my gaze to the floor, I felt how Jungkook gently let go of my shoulders and take a step backwards. 

"Sorry.. didn't mean to act that way.." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Jungkook, I don't want to talk about the whole you liking me thing, and I don't want to think about it eaither. We've been completly fine not talking about it until this point up. Why start it all over? Can we just, please go back to how things have been?" I asked and explained niecly as I hoped for him to agree. 

"Sorry.. But I don't think I'll be able to." He said and after that he just left the room without another word, I stood there with a blank face as he sunlight that was pushing through my curtains lit up my body. I felt somewhat, lonely. As if everyone just left me and I was left all alone in a room without any communication with the world outside. I sighed while running my fingers through my hair.

"I guess we're back to 'I hate you'..."


Yes, I know this chapter is a bit shorter than others but it's an important event so plz don't kill meh


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