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It's been almost 8 years since Jimin had moved away and it seems that his connection with Jungkook has faded over the time and they ended up breaking up and in the end they stopped talking.

If course there hasn't been a day where Jimin hadn't thought of trying to reconnect with Jungkook, to try and maybe rebloom the love they once shared. Yet he could never find the right time to do so.

He would either be too busy with his studies (since he was still in University), working in a bar he helps out in or busy spending time with friends he made in America.

But today it seems like it was going to be different.

Jimin just got back from work, he stopped his shoulder bag on the floor and slid off his shoes. Walking in to the livingroom he dropped himself on the couch and let out a tired grown.

"Would you like some tea, or coffee?" His roomate Alex asked while leaning on the doorframe.

"Some tea please~" Jimin mumbled through the couch pillow. There was a laugh coming from Jimins roomate who walked into the kitchen to start the kettle.

After a few seconds Jimin got up from the couch and lazily traveled over to the kitchen and sit at the small kitchen table.

"How was work?" Alex asked.

"Very fucking boring, you know?" Jimin replied laying his head down on the table.

"Sounds about right." Alex commented while filling up a cup for Jimin. "Oh, by the way a letter came in for you." He added and Jimins head percked up.

"Really?" He asked surprised while Alex passed him his cup and after that u passed him the letter that laid on the counter before.

Jimin quickly thanked his friend for both of the things then started to examine the letter. He wanted to open the letter really fast since he was curious in the first place but what made him wanting to open the letter even more was the name from the person who decided to send him the letter.

Jeon Jungkook

Was written on the envelope.

Jimin almost ripped the whole letter as he tried to get whatever was in the envelope out. When he got it out his heartbeat stopped.

It was a wedding invite.

An invite to Jungkooks wedding.



This surely was an experience for me. I managed to get about 30 more followers, so many people liked (and still do) this book and I just never expected my book to ever get more than 200 reads haha,

Just look where you guys got me to 😊❤❤

Honestly seeing your guys's comments on this book made me so happy because that's how I knew you guys enjoyed the chapters.

Thank you all so much for this spport, without you all I would not be where I am now. I love you all 😭❤❤❤❤❤

So, now onto the subject of what I plan on doing next.

I decided that I will make a second book for this story because I know that Jikook deserves a happy ending.

I also decided to make a whole new book. It's going to be a book about the ship Sope. Aka Suga x Jhope.

I will try to update Jikook on one day and Sope on the other, so everyday there will be a chapter from one of the books.

So that's all from me for now.

Again thank you all! ❤❤


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