Chapter 18|| It Has Been Said

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When Jungkook could sense someone staring at him from afar he turned to look in that diraction and what he was met with was Jimin who was looking at him while sitting next to Sunmi. Way too close for Jungkooks liking. He quickly turned to look at Seokjin who he was just talking to and told him he needs to go and chill in some place quiet and that if the fireworks are going to start to just find him or call him, then he left in a different diraction than where Jimin was sat. He figured that if Jimin can't see him he'll be able to not be bothered by him anymore, and so, he walked. He walked until he could not hear the music. He walked until he didn't even realise he was standing in front of a cliff. The question is, why is there a cliff here? But then again it is quite high up therefore it's not really that wierd. You can still see the city of Seoul here so he can't be that far from everyone right? Either way he finally sat down just taking in the peace he is now. Until he was disrupted.. "Jungkook?" He heard.

For fucks sake..

"What do you want?" Jungkook questioned without even turning to look at who it was because he exactly knew who it was.

"We need to talk." Jimin said sound surprisingly confident. Did he drink something again?

Not possible, we didn't bring any alcohol.

In that case, let's hear the little darf out.

Jungkook rolled his eyes even though Jimin could not see that. He stood up and turned to face Jimin in a bored and very annoingly way as if to show that as far as Jimin is concerned Jungkook does not give a crap as to what he has to say and just wants to get it over and done with. That's exactly how Jungkook felt. He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and waited for the older to speak. "So? You gonna say something or not?"

"I know you talked with Sunmi few days ago."

Jungkook immedietly started questioning himself is Sunmi by any chance said something about him to make him sound bad or if she told him about his feelings. She wouldn't though right? She want's him all to himself and she already has so what does he want? 

"So what?" Jungkook questioned raising an eyebrow. "You jelous that your girlfriend talked with me?"

"She's not my girlfriend, Jungkook. I don't have a girlfriend." Jimin said in a stern voice. "I heard that she found out something, I don't know what but if she knows why you're so cold and mean towards me. Then I think I deserve to know why as well." He added. Jungkook clunched his fists inside his pockets but he didn't show any signes of anger or nervousness on his face.

"What makes you think she knows something? She might have as well lied to you just to mess things up even more." Jungkook argued.

"Yeah sure, because I met her yesterday." Jimin replied sarcasticly making Jungkook take another route of talking to him.

"I see someone got confident, huh? Did she tell you if you go after me I'd stop being so 'rude' and actually talk with you normally? Tch, stop dreaming." He said hoping that this would help make Jimin feel less confident and actually start doubting himself. But that unfortunetly for Jungkook, that didn't work.

"Actually it was my choice to go after you. True Sunmi did add up to my courage but the decidion was mine and mine only." Jimin said back to Jungkook who after hearing Jimins reply laughed to himself in disbelief but Jimin didn't take it nice way and it only angered him. "What's so funny? Is it a problem that I actually want to resolve this problem that I have no clue what is about?" Jimin asked in an annoyed voice while furrowing his eyebrows at Jungkook who was just laughing to himself.

"Is it a problem? Hmm.." Jungkook said to himself taking time to think obviously mocking Jimin right now. "Well if we think about it that way then yes I think it might be a very big problem, Park Jimin" He continued not taking any of what Jimin has said seriously.

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