Chapter 19|| Girly

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  "I'm sorry.."  Said Jimin in a quiet voice..

"For what?.." Jungkook questioned in the same volume as Jimin.

"For reacting so harshly I just.. I need some time to adjust to that.. Plus.. After this talk you probably will want to move things back to where they've been." Jimin replied. "Back to where you give me a cold shoulder and glares whilst I try to be friendly with you. Back to a never-ending circle.." He added slightly tightening his grip on Jungkook. Jimin wandered, what it would be like if this all would just stop and him and Jungkook became friends. Would they hang out more? Would it be more fun to hang out with everyone knowing that Jungkook won't judge him for anything he does? He wanted to find those things out really badly, but there is a chance that Jungkook won't agree to it.

"Out of both of us, I should be the one apologaising, after all I got you all worked up all the time because of how I was acting towards you.. And I think I should try and be nice to you. I won't try to pull any moves on you or anything because I know that, that would be wrong and not right so I might as well try and cover up my feelings and eventually get rid of them.." Jungkook said as he broke the hug between him and Jimin. Jimin took a few steps back still thinking to himself while staring off into the distance where fireworks kept on appearing in the sky. After a while Jimin sighed to himself.

"So. We're friends now?" Jimin asked with a smile while holding out his hand towards Jungkook. Jungkook also smiled which made Jimin feel wierd as he never saw Jungkook smiling at him. It was a nice kind of feeling though.

"Friends." Jungkook replied while shaking Jimins hand. Not long after that they heared a familiar voice calling thier names.

"Jiminie! Jungkook! Where the hell are you guys?"

"That's Taehyung, we better go to him now before he gets real mad at us for being so far away." Jimin said looking in the direction Taehyungs loud voice was coming from.

"Yeah, let's go."

The 'party' went on for quite some time, everyone had a great time and also everyone seemed to notice how Jungkook and Jimin were acting normal towards each other yet no one said anything to them just in case they would start being the usual selfs which was them staying away from each other as much as possible. Eaither way, everyone had fun. When the time came where everyone decided to finally go home and sleep, everyone parted ways in small groups of two and threes and went their seperate ways. Of course Jimin, Jungkook and Sunmi were walking together. Sunmi only listened to what Jimin was talking about with Jungkook, she was happy that they finally started to talk like normal human beings and stopped acting like four year olds. Although she could sense some akwardness lingering between them. "I see you two finally talked things out then?" She said trying to make the akward feeling drift a bit more away. Both of the boys looked at her then at each other and then back at her.

"I guess so." Jimin said giving Jungkook a quick glance.

"Well then Jungkook, I'm guessing you have no reson to hate my now, right?" Sunmi asked looking at Jungkook. On the other hand Jungkook averted his gaze from Sunmi probabbly feeling stupid that he hated on her for no reason.

"Yeah.. Sorry about that.." He said scratching the back of his neck, Sunmi smiled and chuckled to herself. 

"No need. I understand where you're coming from. I had a similar situation with my girlfriend." She said with a gentle smile on her face. "Honestly I still can't believe I managed to win her over." Sunmi added.

"Oh god, here it begins.." Jimin sighed to himself while rolling his eyes and immedietly Sunmi slapped his arm.

"Yah! You're talking about this as if it's a bad thing!"

"Because it is! When you start talking about her you just go off to your own world not caring about wether people care about what you're saying or not!" Jimin argued rubbing his arm where Sunmi has slapped him.

"Huh?! That's not true!" Sunmi didn't want to loose this little arguement to Jimin so taking the advantage of Jungkook being here she decided to throw a bomb down into this arguement. "Plus let's not forget who was crying like a baby because somone called him girly!" 

"Su-Sunmi!" Jimin panicked he really didn't know what Jungkook is going to think of this and he was scared he's gonna laugh at him for that.

I swear to god you're sleeping on the floor tonight.

"What? It's not like I'm lying thought, am I?" She said with a mischevious smile on her face. Jimin was so going to make her sleep on the floor. Just as he was about to say something he heard a quiet chuckle next to him, he turned to look a Jungkook who was obviously having the moment of his lifetime listening to his and Sunmis petty arguement.

"Sorry, you guys are just like two siblings who can't stop argueing about who is the favorite child in the family." Jungkook said not realising that, that statement would just cause another stupid arguement.

"Well if we were sibilings it's quite obvious I would be the favorite one." Jimin stated gaining a laugh from Sunmi.

"Plese, everyone knows that I would be the favorite because I am much more mature than you."

"Oh yeah? Prove it!"

And so the rest of the way home both Jimin and Sunmi just argued about tiny things, all three of them knew that it was all just jokes and fun. Only Sunmi didn't know that Jimin was actually making her sleep on the floor.

"Yah! Jimin! Why are you making me sleep on the floor! I did nothing wrong!" 

"Nothing wrong my ass, you told Jungkook that I cried over that stupid thing!" Jimin said claiming his bed to himself once again.

"What? About you being girly?" Sunmi asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes! That! He might see me like a cry baby now! I don't want that! I'm the older one here you know?" Jimin said walking around his room.

"Oh please, you're acting like a child again." 

"Whatever!" Jimin exclaimed ending that topic there. "Anyway, don't you have to pack?" 

"Already did. If you only noticed it the moment you woke up today then you wouldn't be asking that question." 

"What time are you leaving?" Jimin asked sitting down next to Sunmi. 

"2PM." She said as silence fell above them. "You know, I'll miss you." She said and her facial expression turned sad. Jimins one was no better.

"Yeah, me too.. Though I promise I'll talk to you more often through text and call and such." He said. 

"That's fine, if you're busy I won't mind. Though I'm just wondering how you and Jungkook are gonna get along now that I'll be gone. After all I'm like you're mom." She said and Jimin slapped her with a pillow while standing up and heading towards his bed.

"Yah! Just go to sleep already!" He said getting inside of his bed and turning his back towards Sunmi. 


Honsetly, to me this chapter is horrible, I'm sorry about that. [*]

-Yuka~Chan ♥

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