Chapter 13|| Things She Knows

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Jungkook was really not looking forward to this. What is it that he isn't looking forward to? Well, his friends got him out today to meet up in the town to just hang out and chill but then he finds out that they invited Jimin and Sunmi as well. He's not happy about this so he just keeps away from him and her as far as possible while keeping a miserable face on which caught Seokjins attention.

"So, did you talk with that person you fancy?" Seokjin asked grabbing Jungkooks attention.

"Uh, well I tried but right now they have started to talk with this another person and I, uh.. I just don't think it's a good idea to go out of my way to tell them about my feelings.." Jungkook replied secretly glancing at Jimin but quickly looked back at Seokjin who didn't seem to notice Jungkook looking away for a second. But then Seokjin gave him a suspicious look which made Jungkook feel a bit anxcious about this conversation. What if he noticed him looking away to look at Jimin? What if he just worked everything out? Jungkook was practically digging his grave in his mind by now, waiting for the older one to speak up.

"Ah, I understand everything now." Seokjin said and Jungkook looked even more panicked than before.

"Uh.. Yo-you do?..." Jungkook questioned starting to look for an escape route.

"Of course!" Seokjin exlaimed looking extremely confident as if he legit found out about something a genious would. "You didn't talk to them because you're too embaressed and now you are too scared to tell me about it so you just made this whole story up based on Jimins friend Sunmi staying with you for the New Years." Seokjin said and Jungkook felt as if his soul left his body in peace.

Good, he still doesn't know.

Well he did work out the story is based on Jimin but he thinks it's all just fake so why should I tell him it's not while it's still working out for me?

"You're right! That is the truth, I'm sorry for lying." Jungkook said acting along and even bowing in an ninety degree angle as he was apologizing for lying to make it seem geniune.

"See! Why does everyone think I'm stupid or something? I can work things out! I'm not the groups mother for nothing!" Seokjin said happily mostly talking to himself at this point. Now it was the perfect timing to change the subject from Jungkooks really shit love life to something else.

"You're the groups mother? Then who's your husband?" He asked and Seokjin looked at him.

"I'm a single parent, okay?" Seokjin answered looking a bit offended as if Jungkook just hurt his feelings. Then an arm flew around Seokjins shoulder which ended up belonging to Taehyung. 

"What do you mean you're a single parent? You and Namjoon argue like an old married couple all the time! It's obvious that he's the dad and you're the mom!" Taehyung said not believeing what Seokjin just said.

"Wha-! Taehyung! That is not true!" Seokjin argued and then they both went off with thier arguement about this whole parenting thing. Jungkook laughed to himself realising how stupid this conversation is and decided to just observe everyone for now.

As he looked at everyone he realised he doesn't really fit in, it just feels as if he's somehow distant from everyone even though he gets on with them well. Well not with Jimin but he's not really important. There's a harmony missing, and because that harmony is missing he just doesn't fit in with the group. It might be because it hasn't been long since he moved here and joined the group. Plus there's probbably a lot of things he still doesn't know about everyone and there's no point in hiding the fact that they don't know things about him as well.

Jungkook spent the whole day with everyone, as the time went on he got more interactive with everyone except for Jimin and Sunmi who he only talked if he really had to. He realised that maybe he doesn't stand out from everyone as much as he thinks but also he realised that Sunmi was practically all over Jimin. Why should he care though, right? Well even if he tells him self otherwise he does, and he fears that it's starting to be more clear than he would like to.

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