Chapter 2 || Too Much Walking

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In the morning Jungkook really didn't feel like waking up at all due to the fact that he had to wake up at 5 AM, two hours earlier than normally because now he has much further to walk. He could take the bus but the only problem is that the only bus that could take him there is way too early and he would have to wait for ages for the school to actually begin and the next bus would make him late.

So walking to school it is.

He lazily got out of bed after turning off his alarm on his phone that was set on the bedside while charging for the night.

First thing he decided to do was to go downstairs and make himself a cup of coffee. He doesn't really like it but it works to get him more on his feet. As the water was set to boil he went to the toilet that was downstairs, of course he had to look at his reflection, and let's just say.. He looked like he had come back from a long party last night. He sighed to himself and went back to the kitchen to finally get his cup of coffee.

After quickly drinking the hot drink he went back upstairs to fetch his school uniform then get dressed into it. By the time he went to have breakfast it was already forty-five minutes past five so he'd have to leave in half an hour which left him enough time to eat something. He decided to eat two simple toasts with some random jam he found, spread on it. As he was eating his easy but still delicious breakfast he scrolled through his feed on Instagram which would be full of his friends doing selfies with their other friends or girlfriends and his female friends doing some slutty pictures to get some attention. He never understood the point of that so just being annoyed by seeing those pictures he turned of his screen and quickly finishing off his food.

Putting the plate in the dishwasher he was officially ready to head out to school. The only thing left was for him to go get his bag which was in the hallway and after that he left his new house heading straight for his school.

The walk was long and tiring enough but he already knew that it's not going to be better in school and especially after school when he has to walk back home and then do this again the next day. Now that he thinks about it, deciding to change his school was a brilliant idea. The only minus of it is seeing his stepbrother even more then he already has to, which to him is a complete pain.

He doesn't dislike Jimin he despises him, only because of him his life is much harder to keep track of. He finds himself more focused on avoiding him than actually trying to do something else for a change.

School for him went by like always. To him school was just a thing to take up his time, he wouldn't really learn much in school. Not because he didn't want to learn he just found the work awfully easy which could be taken as an advantage but to him it was just as boring as ever. He already announced to his 'friends' that he will be changing schools but the date of him leaving isn't set in stone.

So now he finds himself once more walking but this time walking to his new and cosy looking home. He really likes it there, it does have a warm feeling to it. There is nothing he dislikes in that house (except of Jimin of course) his stepmom is sweet and caring and his dad is happier then ever which makes Jungkooks heart leap of joy. Yet he can't show his happiness in that house, again the cause of that being Jimin.

He puts all the blame of things being the way they are on Jimin. No matter what would happen it's always Jimins fault.

The way it sounds, makes it look as if Jungkook was a five year old who just had an argument with their sibling and now being afraid of getting in trouble for being rude to one another, he just pushes the fault on the other as if he didn't do anything. Either way Jungkook decided he wants nothing to do with his new sibling. No matter what others say he will not be willing to change that in a million of years.

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