Chapter 14|| Tree

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Jimin is kind of on edge today. He's been thinking over really stupid stuff. Why? Well, last night he had a dream about Jungkook. More preciesley it was a dream back when they were both drunk and Jimin was questioning Jungkook about if he really hates him. It didn't seem like he hated him at that time but just two days ago Jungkook declared that he does not want things to change and that he does hate him or whatever. So why is Jimin getting bothered by that? It's not like Jungkook secretly wants to be friends with him and act like a brother. "Jimin." Jimin snapped back to reality and turned around to find out who is calling him.

"Yes, Sunmi?" He asked bringing a bit of a forced smile to his face.

"Are you okay? You have been a bit off today. Is it because your parents still haven't arrived home?" The girl asked obviously worried for her friend.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said not wanting to talk about what is on his mind. But Sunmi already saw right through him before she even spoke up to him.

"No you're not. I can tell." She said walking up to Jimin to grab his attention once more. "Is it about Jungkook, by any chance?" She asked making Jimin surprised at how she guessed right, right away. "I'm right, aren't I? Isn't it funny how I can still find things out right away about you?" She said with a warm smile on her face. Jimin smiled too.

"Yeah, ever since we were young you would know if there was something off with me." Jimin agreed with her as he went back on his memories.


"Jiminie-ah, what's wrong?"  Sunmi asked Jimin who was currently sitting up on a tree while she was standing beneath him.

"I'm fine." The younger version of Jimin said trying to shoo off Sunmi who wasn't going to give up.

"Is it about what that girl said to you? About how if you keep on being so caring towards everyone like a girl you'll never get a girlfriend when you grow up?" She questioned and Jimins face only sank in even more anger. "It is it isn't it."

"Oh shut up will you!" He shouted angrily turning his head to face the sundown. Before he even knew Sunmi was sitting next to him watching the sundown as well.

"I think it's alright to be kind and caring towards others, even if you're a boy." 

"Whatever. Go away, I don't need a girl to cheer me up." Jimin said scooting further away from his friend.

"I know. But I also can tell that you need a friend right now. Right?"

"And even if? I don't need you out of all people.." He said still being stubborn.

"Well, there's no one else but me. So you have to deal with it." Even though Jimin was trying to get rid of her the whole time she didn't give up on him and stayed until she finally got him down from that tree. It took some time and tears from Jimin but in the end she got him to go back home.

When Jimins mom walked out of the front door to look for him once more Jimin ran up to her and hugged her, it was obvious his mom was happy that her son has finally came back after quite long amout of time. Sunmi on the other hand stood in front of the front gate to thier old house with a smile. She turned the other way to walk home being happy that she managed to speak to Jimin. "Sunmi!" She heard. "Thank you, let's be friends forever!" The girl smiled brightly at the boy and agreed with him. Since then they always hanged out together, before they only hanged out when thier moms did.

Jimin knew, that he could not hide things from Sunmi.

She just kind of always knew what to do and say.


"Time flies doesn't it?"

"Yeah it does." Jimin said somehow with a sad smile on. Sunmi already knew what to do though.

"You know, when you were making dinner I went and talked with Jungkook." She said making Jimin look at her a bit surprised and intrested to hear more, but she just stood there looking out the window as she spoke. "I wanted to know him better so I asked him a few questions to work him out. I must say, he's a very intresting person. I could say he's even more intresting than you."

"Do you have feelings for him?" Jimin asked somehow worried that he's going to hear the answer he does not want to hear.

"Of course not, you know there's only one person who I have eyes for, right?" She said not afraid to show that she's not happy about Jimin thinking about something like this.

"R-right.. Sorry."

"Don't be. It's okay." Sunmi didn't need an apology, she never took things too far to the heart. You could say she's a bit different from others when it comes to understanding certain things, she could see right through people though which could be taken as a good or a bad thing. Right now she knew that Jimin was still bothered by Jungkook and that he needs someone right now. Sunmi had no intention of leaving him alone. "Would you like a hug to make you feel better?" She asked. Jimin nodded. After few moments Jimin hugged Sunmi trying to work out the mess in his head as Sunmi was trying to comfort him and give him support. Well the mess in his head all involved Jungkook. He couldn't solve the mess because of Jungkook. No matter what there would be things he wouldn't be able to answer for himself and only Jungkook would have to, but what's the point in asking if all Jungkook is going to say is: 'Leave me alone'. There was and is no point.

"I didn't know you guys were going out." They both heard making them move away from the hug to look at the door of the kitchen which was wide open and in the middle of the door stood an unhappy Jungkook.


I had no idea of what to type after the flashback lol, I hope you forgive me about it if it's bad. [*]

By the way, next chapter is a bit longer and has more stuff happening so I hope you look forward to that!

-Yuka~Chan ♥

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