Chapter 8|| A Present

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Jungkook spent most of his free days at home. He almost forgot that there's still Jimin in this house, the only time he reminds himself that he's here is when he hears him walking around the house or out and back in the house. None of them seen each others faces or spoke to each other, both of them thinking it's for the best but the time has come for Christmas Eve. The snow has slightly covered the sidewalk everyone has decorations up except for their house. Only because they felt weird without their parents not being here.

It was already a late evening when Jungkook felt like he needed to eat something so he went out of his room to go to the kitchen, but as he was doing so he heard some rustling in the living room as well as he saw some light creeping out of there. Of course he went to check it out. He lightly pushed the door to open just a bit more so he could peek through. As he did he imidietly saw Jimin who was going through a medium size box that had; what it seemed like, Christmas tree decorations. He looked in the other direction where he saw a green Christmas tree that was pretty much done being decorated. The only thing missing were the lights and the star on top.

At some point Jimin realised Jungkooks presence. "Oh.. hey.." He said looking in Jungkooks direction.

"What are you doing?" He asked even though he already knew what.

"Well.. I'm decorating the Christmas tree.." Jimin answered ignoring the fact that Jungkook could obviously guess what he was doing. "You might think it's stupid doing it but I really don't care..." He added while Jungkook just stared into space not really caring about one thing that Jimin just said. He came back to reality when Jimin came up to him with a small wrapped box.

"What the-"

"It's a Christmas present.. For you." Said Jimin cutting Jungkook off giving him a friendly smile. Jungkook not really trusting Jimin took the little box cautiously. "I hope you'll like it.. It was hard to think of something to give you.." He added and that's when Jungkook decided to open the little box. He was surprised when he saw two pairs of silver hoop man earrings. One of the first thoughts he had was:

"Why did you get me these?" Jimins smile faded and was replaced by worry.

"Do you not like it? Or do you not wear man earrings?" He asked now really worried.

"I'm asking why did you get me a present?" Asked Jungkook with an annoyed tone. Jimin seemed to calm down a little.

"That's because you're a part of my family now.. plus it would be rude to not buy you a Christmas present when I already bought one for everyone." He explained. Jungkook once more looked down at the present he got from Jimin.

"Well.. Thanks or whatever.." He said with mixed feelings about this.

"No problem. I also don't expect anything from you." Jimin said and after that he got back to decorating the Christmas tree. Jungkook without another word left the living room and went to the kitchen for a packet of crisps. He didn't want to eat that much anymore. For some reason it was quite hard for him to breathe as well as he did not want to believe that Jimin would just buy him something without wanting anything in return or without a twist. He made himself believe that Jimin is a such a horrible person that other options are not possible.

Taking a pack of some random crisps and opening them he went back upstairs. At this point he didn't know what to do with that present from Jimin. Should he keep it? If yes then should he ever wear them? Maybe he should throw them in the trash and burn them. Well at least the box.

In frustration he sighed flopping backwards on his bed and covering his face with a pillow. He hates Jimin for every single thing he does and he's not afraid to show it to others.

The party is in two days as well, I wonder if we'll even have alcohol.

I'd be great if we did.

Jungkook thought that if there was enough or any alcohol he would just drink on the side and forget everything for at least one night so his mind would be free for that small amount of time. Of course he'd still have to make sure to not do anything he'd regret afterwards.


So, what's going to happen on that party huh?


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