Chapter 41|| Flight

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|Jimin's Pov|

In the morning I woke up with a pair of hands around my waist. I opened my eyes and was met with Jungkooks baby sleeping face, I couldn't stop the smile that traveled up my lips when I saw how calm he looked in his sleep.

"Hey, Jungkook.." I said quietly caressing his cheek. I felt bad for waking him up but somehow I needed to get up and check the time to know how long do I have left before I gotta go to the airport. Jungkooks eyebrows furrowed and he pulled me even closer. "Come on now, I gotta get up." I added and that's when Jungkooks eyes fluttered open to meet mine.

"Do I have to let you go?" He asked hoping I'd say no.

"Listen, I feel bad for having to wake you up but I have to get up and get myself ready you know." I said and Jungkooks facial expression changed drastically. I knew how he felt but we have to face the truth. "You know, I'd kill to wake up next to you like this everyday." I added with a much more gentle voice. Jungkook looked like he was about to say something but I think we both heard a car entering out driveway and we both freaked out.

"It's our parents." Jungkook said as he let go of my waist and we both got up in the speed of light. We decided that I should go take a shower first so I grabbed my stuff and entered the bathroom to have a shower, as I showered I heard how my parents entered the house and Jungkook left to greet them. It seems he managed to get himself dressed and everything. I couldn't hear what they were saying though.

When I finished showering I walked to my room to get my suitcase and take it downstairs. Looking at a clock I  had about three hours left. I felt like dying.


I stood in the waiting area for my airplane to arrive. There was another half an hour left and then I'd be on a plane going straight to America.

I was alone. Just because my parents had to go to work straight after they dropped me off here and if course they didn't let Jungkook come here. I'm not surprised though.. at least I had a chance to spend the night with him.

I fiddled with my phone feeling a mixture of feelings, hoping someone would call me. There was a brief moment where I thought I saw someone familiar in the crowd of people but I quickly delated the thought as I didn't see that person again.

I decided to spend my time listening to music so I connected my earphones to the phone and turned on some good tunes that I usually listen to. Giving in to the music I disconnected myself from the world, not noticing anything that could be possibly happening around me.

I was, indeed a bit sad that none of my friends came to see me off. I guess they must have been busy.

At some point I felt a hand tap on my shoulder so I took out one of my earphones and turned around to look who was bothering me. "SURPRISEREEEEEEEE!!" Screamed Hoseok and I could only sense how most of the people stopped to look at us. Yet I was happy to see my friends here.

"Guys, I honestly thought you wouldn't show up." I said feeling a bit akward that I actually thought I'd be alone here. As always Seokjin slapped the back of my head.

"HOW DARE YOU THINK THAT WE AS YOUR BEST FRIENDS WOULD NOT SEE YOU OFF WHEN YOU'RE LEAVING TO AMERICA!" He shouted while not stopping to whip me with his hand like I was some sort of a horse. Thanks Seokjin. Now my back stings.

"S-sorry.. it's just.. I don't know, I'm a bit stressed. Plus, I haven't even said goodbye to Jungkook." I mumbled keeping my head low.

Just then the announcement for my flight has echoed through the airport and I stood up with my suitcase and looked over at my friends with tears in my eyes. Just the look in thier eyes, they smiled but I knew they were sad by thier eyes. I gave each and one of them a hug scared that I'll start crying like a baby.

"Well, I guess this is a goodbye." I said with a sad smile then turned around walking towards my destination. The guys behind me were waving thier hands as I walked also saying stuff like: 'We're gonna miss you', 'Don't forget to call and text us', etc. But somehow I didn't note that in my brain.

Just then...

"JIMIN!" My head snapped back hearing someone I thought I wouldn't hear for the longest time ever.

"Jungkook.." I whispered to myself as tears swelled up in my eyes, not even thinking about it I ran towards Jungkook who also was running towards me. The second we both were in each others reach we held each other close. "I thought I wouldn't see you for such a long time." I mumbled between tears as Jungkook caressed the back of my head gently.

"How could I not see you off? I would've felt horrible.." He replied. After a second he cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes. "Jimin, there's something you need to know." He added.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

Jungkook looked down at my lips for a second before looking back up on my eyes.

"I love you."

My lips formed a smile before smashing into Jungkooks lips in pure sad happiness. I didn't continue the kiss for much longer as I also had to tell him I love him.

"I love you too, Jungkook." I said.

"EW! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" I heard Taehyung shout towards us and we both cracked a smile. I held onto Jungkooks shirt for a little while.

"Sorry.. but I've got to go now.." I said crying again but that still didn't stop me from reaching up to Jungkooks lips and connecting them one last time. "Goodbye.." I whispered with a crack in my voice. I turned around walking towards the plane I should've been sitting in for a few minutes now.

Before I left the building I looked at Jungkook and the guys one last time but had to turn away at once when I felt like crying even more.

I guess,

That I didn't deserve a happy ending in the end...


So this I officially the last chapter but don't worry guys, there's an epilogue coming and after that a second book!

So please don't kill me 😅


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