Chapter 24|| Test

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|Jimins POV|

Today was like any other day to be honest. Wake up, eat, get dressed and leave for school. Learn, break, learn and then lunch. Well it was like any ohter day until lunch to be precise. What I mean by that is the fact that it was awfuly quiet at the table. No one said a word, which made me worry especially because Hoseok was keeping deadly quiet. Even in the morning he was just kind of dead. Should I ask?

Yeah, I should.

"Why is everyone so quiet today?" I asked braking the silence with what seemed like a shout but I was speaking at a normal tone of voice. Everyone looked at me like I just commited a crime, even Jungkook. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow confused. "Has something happened and I didn't know?" I asked again. That's when Seokjin sighed and spoke up.



"Have you forgotten?"

"Forgotten about what?"

"Today all years and classes are having a massive test in the last lesson." My heart dropped as I realised what day it really is and that I have not studied at all for that test that was about to pop out and fuck me over. I almost felt like skiving to not do the test but I know that they would make me do it after I come back to school anyway so that option wasn't a very good one. Jungkook must've realised by my expression as the next thing he said was:

"You didn't study because you forgot. Right?" He asked about to start laughing at me but honestly I felt like a little baby who was about to blow up crying because I walked into a wall.

"I'm going to fail and mom is going to make me sleep in the back garden." I said staring into my food worried as hell about me not being able to sleep inside my house. That's when everyone started laughing. "This is nothing to laugh about you guys! I don't wanna sleep outside! It is cold out there and it might rain again!"

"Bring an umbrella with you. Unless your mom will take that away from you as well." Said Taehyung making everyone laugh even more.

"Yah! You guys are bullies you know!" I said as I gathered my stuff up and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Asked Jungkook through laughter.

"To study in the library. Where else? Maybe I can still manage to remember something." I replied while walking out of the lunch hall to head straight to the library.


As I walked out of the hell classroom I was just in I slowly felt how all the stress is flowing out of me, but the fact of knowing that tomorrow I will get the results back makes me want to dig myself a grave and bury myself in it.

Usually I would wait for Jungkook in front of the main gate to the school if he wasn't there before me, so as usual I stood there waiting for him. I bet he's going to mock me about him doing better than me even though we didn't get our results until tomorrow. I sighed being really stressed about the whole thing, and the fact that everyone found it funny that I completley forgot about the whole test didn't and isn't helping. 

But what can you do if it's your own fuly anyway? 

I swear I need to start taking a bigger notice of things. Especially school.

After a few minutes I heard Jungkooks voice, so I looked up from the ground to look for the younger, what caught me off guard was the fact that Jungkook wasn't alone.

He was walking with that new girl in his class. But.. why does it feel so eerie to see him with a friend like this? Because she is just a friend right?

Of course she is, she has to be. Jungkook is gay, right? Not bisexual by any chance.. Wait. Why am I so fussy about this anyway? It must be the stress from the test. That would explain a lot. When both of them came over I flashed a smile to not seem as rude. "So this is my kinda still fresh stepbrother, Jimin." Jungkook said and I looked at the girl whith a smile that she almost immedietly returned.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Kim Jisoo. A fresh student here and a acquaintance of Jungkook-shhi." She said while using honorifics. 

So she's new, kind and looks cheerful. 

"It's nice to meet you as well, Jisoo-shhi. As Jungkook just said I am Park Jimin. His stepbrother." I replied also using honorifics. I wasn't sure if Jungkook is going to say that he's bringing her home or not but it's not like I could do much about it. I shouldn't even care if he does or not in the first place.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow." Said Jungkook turning to face Jisoo who was just standing there silently. She nodded back to Jungkook and bowed.

"Yep, until tomorrow Jungkook-shhi." She said and then turned to walk the opposite way me and Jungkook go, because of that I felt reliefed that the girl wouldn't be walking with us, not because I don't like her. She is nice but I just don't really feel like socialzing with people today, at least not anymore. And I guess Jungkook has realised that as we walked home. 

"You're awfully quiet. I'm guessing you're tired?" He asked.

"Yeah, I guess the test really stressed me out and now all the energy flew out of me." I replied. "Honestly, all I want to do is get home and sleep." I added and for a secodn it seemed like Jungkooks faint smile has dropped but I wasn't sure.

"Ah, I understand. Well you should get some rest then." He said and not it was quite evident that he didn't really want me to go to sleep.

"Did you want to ask me something?" I asked wanting to know what changed the youngers mood.

"Um, well, I wanted to ask you to help me out with my homework because I don't get it but since you are tired then you don't have to. I can just use the help of the internet or something." He explained, so that's what he wanted. I guess I could still help him, it wouldn't hurt.

"No, I'll help you." I said almost immedietly after Jungkook finished talking. His head shot up to look at me in surprise.

"But - you don't have to.." 

"It's fine. Plus it is better to have someone help you do something than looking it up on the internet that might tell you possibly the wrong answer and not explain very well." I smiled at him and seeing that he didn't look like he is going to disagree with me further he smiled as well and said a small 'thanks'. The rest of the way we talked about how we both hated sitting in our class and doing that stupid test. Especially me.. 

I just hope I won't fail it cuz I don't fancy sleeping in the shed at night.


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