Chapter 29|| Mutual Feelings

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|Jungkook's Pov|

I was sitting on a bench in the park thinking about the reacent events while waiting for Jisoo to come back with some drinks. Looking back at the things I said to Jimin at the beginning of us living in the house as a family, I was such a horrbile idiot but what's worse it all seems like things are going back to being that way. Of course I won't insult him for every little single thing but I'll probably have to ignore him again. Maybe that is the only way to fianlly get him out of my head, but what bothered me more was that ever since we did get back to not talking Jimin was unusually trying to get my attention or he would just stare at me whenever he saw me out of the house. Maybe he hates me now, since I stopped being friends with him? Who knows, I sighed defeated while hanging my head low until I saw a pair of shoes in front of me. I looked up and smiled at Jisoo as she was handing me a can of soda. "Thanks. I'll repay you tomorrow at school." I said opening the can while the girl sat next to me.

"You don't have to do that. It wasn't expensive." She replied opening her can as well, I only nodded and took a sip of my drink while she seemed to be thinking about something. "You seem upset. Are you okay?" She asked looking my way with concern. I looked at my can and forced a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied to get out of talking about the subject. She knew I was lying but she didn't want to push it so she nodded slightly still with worry in her eyes as she looked away from me to sip on her soda.

After about twenty minutes later Jisoo decided to walk me home since she had to go shopping around my living area anyway, I did offer to help her with the shopping but she declined saying she's going shopping with her mom and it's a daughter and mother experience so I couldn't really argue with her about that. As we walked up to my house before I entered the house I turned to look at the girl and gave her a goodbye hug like I always would, when we backed away from each other her gaze turned behind me as she smiled and bowed. I turned to look who was leaving the house behind me and I felt my heart reach my throat as I saw it was Jimin who was apparently going somewhere. "Hello Jimin-shhi. Nice to see you again." She said with a polite smile on, he also gave her a polite smile.

"Hi, Jisoo-shhi. Sorry but I don't have much time since I'm meeting a friend and I'm already late." He said laughing nervously as his eyes accidentally looked at mine but soon looked away to leave me and Jisoo in front of the house.

"Jimin-shhi is really nice isn't he." Jisoo said looking as Jimin was leaving, I looked at his silhoutte for few seconds before looking away.

"Yeah.. He's nice.."


On Monday the atmosphere while walking to school was somewhat tense and akward at the same time. I couldn't say I enjoyed it but I also didn't hate it, it was somewhere in between. From one side I liked the fact that Jimin wasn't trying to talk to me but also I wish he would start talking so maybe, just maybe things would get back to normal but of course I already went too far for things to be back to normal. Then again, were they ever normal?

"Jungkook, I don't want this." Jimins voice snapped me back to reality also realising that he had stopped a few meters away from me. I turned around to look at him with a questioning look. 

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I don't want to play the silent game with you. It doesn't feel right." He said and just that made me feel extremly uncomfortable. 

"Jimin but you know that-"

"I don't care, Jungkook. How are we supposed to be brothers if we pretend like we don't even know each other but we live in the same house." I lowered my eyes as I decided to let the small guy continue. "You also have stopped talking to the others." He noted, stating a fact. "This isn't fair you know.."

"What is fair in this world?.." I questioned quietly. "Has anything ever been fair? Life has never been fair to any of us. To you when you were getting bullied. To me when I found out that I have feelings for you. It's never going to be fair. You gotta learn that sooner or later." I said hoping to shut him up, it looked like though, like he wasn't going to give up on that.

"Still, people should learn to live off that unfairness and make it fair for themselves, otherwise no matter what they do they'll live a miserable life. That's why, I am trying. I'm trying right now." He responded. 

"Trying to do what? It's not like I'll disappear from the house, I'll still be there to be your brother that doesn't change." 

"I'm trying to bring you back to our friends. To bring you back to me." I looked at him taken aback as I did not expect a reply like this but I quickly snapped out of it. 

"No point, I already have a best friend to be with." 

"Why are you like this?" Jimin asked looking a bit hurt by my words. 

"No Jimin, why are you like this?" I replied to a question with a question as I crossed my arms. 

Jimin smiled sadly while looking down on the ground. "Because I might have developed feelings for you.." He said while the sentence hit me hard as I never would expect something like that coming out of his mouth. He's joking, he must be. I walked over to him and grabbed his shoulders in disbelief. 

"If you're joking around I'm telling you this is the stupidest joke you ever said. Take it back now." I said scared and angry at the same time but Jimin only looked up at me with the same sad look in his eyes.

"There's nothing to take back Jungkook. I'm not lying or joking if that's what you want to know."

"You're insane." I said while taking few steps back from the guy to think this whole fucked up situation over. 

"Well, if that's what you want to call it." 

"Shut up." I said making the guy really shut up as I might have said that too agressively. It took me few minutes to acctually say something else after that. "Why, though? Why me? For god's sake Jimin! Why do you have to get mixed up in all of this!" I couldn't possibly think of a way of ignoring him now that I know that the feelings might be mutual, why does he think this is all a good idea? Is he stupid?

"I don't know. I can't exactly control what I'm feeling." He said being comepletly reasonable but for me that was the stupidest thing he has ever said. 

"Well you should." 

"Can you do it though?" He asked and I knew there's no point in argueing further as he has won this. I looked at him and asked:

"What do you expect to things be like now then?"


For some reason, I am not happy at all with this chapter dasdhghj

Plz dun hate me T-T


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