Chapter 32|| Sleep

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|Jimins Pov|  

It's been about a week since me and Jungkook decided to date in secret, the only time we got to not pretend like we're just 'sibilings' was when we went out together to places where we know none of our friends would go to. It mostly were fields or forests but we enjoyed the time we got to spend together. At first in school everyone found it a bit wierd how me and Jungkook became close to each other but thankfully they didn't think much of it and didn't jump to conclusions. Our parents didn't seem to notice anything either, mostly because at this point they barely had time to be home as work took over them completly. We didn't really notice thier presence missing, since we had each other to keep company.

Today was one of those days when they were gone and we were left alone in the house. We were having a good time while watching some stupid tv shows that were currently on and eating food we probbably shouldn't have at this time of night. Yes, it was night, nearly midnight and eating fatty food at night is not healthy but since we had nothing better to do, why not? 

I was resting my head on Jungkooks shoulder as we watched some wierdly boring horror movie that was currently halfway through, and I felt myself getting more and more bored, to a point where my eyelids would be getting heavier to keep open. After a while Jungkook noticed my boredom and probably thought I was tired so he caressed my cheek to get my attention. "Do you want to go to sleep, now?" He asked hoping I'd say yes because in all honesty I was keeping him up for quite a while now since I had some trouble sleepin in the first place. Not my fult I wasn't tired. I shook my head slowly sitting up to wake myself up a bit more. 

"I'm not tired, it's just this film is shit." I mumbled yawning while Jungkook chuckled to himself.

"To me you look tired, plus I am tired as well and I'd like to get at least some sleep." He replied and I rolled my eyes.

"But leaving me here would be very selfish and unconsiderate of you." I argued crossing my arms. Jungkook looked at me and smiled cheekly.

"It was unconsiderate and selfish of you to make me stay up so late with you in the first place." He argued back ruffling my hair. 

"Well.. You could've just ignored me and go to sleep." I had to take some time to think of that but I think it was a bad comeback anyway. Jungkook laughed knowing that even I think that it was the most stupidest thing to say since I literally dragged the younger one to the living room to spend time with me. "Okay, you know what. It's not my fult that I want to spend some time alone with you okay?" I said pouting a bit embaressed which made the other laugh even more and I could only furrow my eyebrows to pretend I'm angry.

"It's fine." He said brushing my bangs out the way while getting closer which made me look up at him still pretending to be angry. "But it's not like this is a one chance only." He planted a soft kiss on my forehead then looked back at me with a gentle smile. "After all, our parents are so taken over by the work, it's almost as if we live together." Adding to the rest we both hugged each other not wanting to move away at all. I felt comfy and peacefull in Jungkooks arms, I was playing with the back of his hair as I enjoyed the silence between is. It wasn't akward or anything. It was just calm and peacefull, none of us needed to talk at this point.


"Yeah?.." I answered quietly, in almost a whisper.

"Look at me." He said and I did as he asked and took my head off his shouler to look at his face waiting for him to continiue. "Can we please just go to sleep?" He pleaded and I rolled my eyes chuckling a little.

"Fine." I said removing my arms from around his body. "But," I started catching his attention. "You have to sing me to sleep." I said with a smile, yet he looked surprised at my condition.

"Why?" He questioned and I only smiled happily.

"Because, I love your voice." I replied and the other looked away obviously embaressed as I could catch his cheeks turning a pink colour even if it was quite dark in the livingroom. "Awh, did I get you embaressed?" I asked poking fun at him as he tried to hide his embaressment from me.

"Have you seen yourself when you get embaressed? You turn into a bright red tomato." He replied not giving up on this small stupid arguement. I laughed knowing that I can't possibly fight against that. 

"Well then, will you sing me to sleep?" I asked again waiting for a reply. Jungkook sighed and nodded in agreement as we both got up and went upstairs to my room where we both got comfy sitting on my bed. I didn't want to just lay in my bed as he just sits on the floor and sings. That would be kinda rude and plus, I like being near Jungkook. I cuddled up to him closing my eyes and waiting for him to start singing.

"What would you like me to sing?" He asked quietly while brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Anything you want." I answered and it took a while before he finally started to sing quietly to me. As time went by I clung onto Jungkook more to hear better and at some point, while listening to his voice and heart beat I drifted off to sleep.


I am really sorry I haven't updated for so long but I just got cut off the internet so I'm not able to use it as much as I used to.

Hope you guys aren't mad at me 😅

This chapter was more of a chill one but with a cute feel to it, I guess? Well I tried at least.

-Yuka~Chan ♥

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