Chapter 23|| Fanta

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|Jungkooks POV|

I walked past tons of small and big shops in town as I was nearing the town centre where I was going to meet up with Taehyung. I had no idea what we were going to do but since I have nothing to do at home then why not just spend some time with a friend for a change?

When I reached the town centre I scanned the area to see if Taehyung got here before me but it looked like I was the first one to reach this area. I decided to sit on the side of a fountain that was placed in the middle and like some posts on instagram while waiting for Tae to arrive. 

Although I was quite happy with scrolling through social media it did get boring after a while and I ended up with putting away my phone in a pocket which led to me looking at people passing by probabbly looking like a loner or a creep. Maybe even both. Yet what caught my attention was a somewhat familiar girl who just dropped her shopping bag by accident. I stood up to walk up to her and help her out, as I got closer I realised the girl was Kim Jisoo. The new girl from school, we talked a few times before but I don't think we can really call each other friends. 

I squated down next to her and helped her put her grocieries back in the carrier bag, at frist she looked surprised but smiled at me as she realised it's just me and I am trying to help her. "Thank you." She said when we both stood back up after picking everything up. 

"No problem, glad I was some help." I replied with a simle just like the girl.

"I hope you don't mind me asking but, what are you doing here?" She asked friendly.

"Oh, I'm just waiting for my friend who is currently running late. You?" I replied and then asked the same question quickly scanning the area for Teahyung to see if he maybe has arrived but no, he was still late.

"Oh. Well maybe he's got caught up in something." 

"Nah, he's always late like this." I replied. "A bit sad that he still hasn't learnt to hurry his ass u otherwise I'll just leave." I added crossing my arms getting impatient. Jisoo chuckled at my words and then reached to her carrier bag to pull out a can of Fanta then holded it out to me.

"Here you go, a drink as you wait." She said. Just then I realised how similar she was with her kindness to Sunmi but not as sharp and smart as her. Or maybe I just don't know her long enough, either way I couldn't accept the drink she was trying to give me.

"You don't have to. I'm alright, plus you probably bought it for yourself so you should drink it." I said rejecting the offer but she only shook her head.

"No, it's okay. Let's say it's me saying thank you for helping me out while everyone else just walked past like nothing ever happened." She said while I was still declining the offer. "I won't leave until you take it." She said proabsbly trying to sound sternly but it didn't work out as she kept on standing with a gentle smile on. I sighed and finally took the can. 

"Alright. You win." I said with a simle as the girl looked even happier now that I took the drink. "But next time I won't take a thing from you." I said opening the can of Fanta. Jisoo chuckled again.

"That's fine." She said. "Well, I'll get going now. It was nice seeing you Jungkook-shhi." She added while bowing and as she walked away she waved goodbye and I did the same, after that I walked back to the fountain while having a sip of Fanta.

"I thought you weren't intrested in her!" In a split of a second I spitted out my drink on the floor as I nearly felt my heart explode from a heart attack. I looked up to see no other than Taehyung who was obviously staring at me while I was talking to Jisoo.

"Taehyung-ah! You made me spit out my drink!" I scolded him even though he's older than me.

"So what! I asked you a question didn't I?" I rolled my eyes as Tae was being a nosy little brat as usual.

"I was only helping her pick up her grocieries. And I am not intrested in her." I replied with a poker face.

"But you two kept on smiling at each other! That is obvious sign that both of you find each other attractive!"

I sighed at the guys stupidity.

"Hyung, that is called being friendly with other people. Not being attracted to someone." I explained getting a bit tired of this.

"But don't you think she's pretty? You have to at least think she's pretty right?"

"Honestly, I don't care for looks but if that is going to finally shut you up about all of this then yeah, I do find her somewhat pretty." I replied hoping this would end.

"I knew it. You do have a thing for-"

"I swear to god if you don't shut up I will leave and never meet up with you again." I threathened and that made Taehyung shut up once and for all. Bless the Gods for that.

Taehyung and I finally started to head off to a little allyway/pathway near the railways where not many people walk by unless they have a dog or teenagers like me ang Tae. There was this place wich had a bridge going over the railways. Me and Taehyung where under the bridge where a pathway led to another part of town but it was located near fields and obviously the railway. We always hang out there, sometimes it's us two or the rest of the group. Depends if others are busy, today we just forgot to invite them.

Me and him spent almost the whole day sitting there and chilling while also doing stupid things that we'd record and post on instagram or facebook.


I hope you don't mind me suddenly changing the pov but I just felt like it would all come together better if I did it that way lol.

We hit 2K views! Omg! Thank you everyone! I want to thank everyone for the support you have given me on my frist proper English fanfiction and I am so happy that most of you are enjoing the story. It really helps me get motivated to write and find spare time in my messy scedual ^^

Love you all!


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