Chapter 7|| Christmas Party

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It's December. To be exact it's already December the 15th and everyone now has a Christmas break. Well only schools of course. Jimin was just walking around the town looking for presents for his friends and family. He still had no idea what he wanted to buy for Jungkook though, he was the hardest one to think of. Mostly because they barely speak to each other.

Well actually reasently they have done some stuff together but of crouse not by choice. For example when Hoseok made Jungkook ask Jimin for help or when a teacher decided to make him and Jungkook do an experiment together or some kind of project. Other than that; no social interaction.

So he can only guess what to buy for him. He already bought most presents, now he's going to the jewlery shop to buy his mom earings or a bracelett. As he was walking around the jewlery shop his eyes landed on some man earings and that's when he got an idea. Jungkook did pirce his ears right? 

I swear I saw him wearing some man earings before..

He quickly texted Taehyung to ask if Jungkook does wear earings. At first Taehyung questions Jimin but he understands after Jimins explanation. He was right, he does wear earings, so now as he's here he buys the man earings plus finds a bracelett for his mom, pays for both of the things then heads home.

"Mom! I'm home!" He says loudly for his mom to hear while he's taking off his shoes. Just as he was about to go up the stairs his mother calls him to the kitchen where he is met with everybody. "What's going on?" He asks feeling a bit akward for some reason.

"Jimin, I'm so sorry but me and you step-dad won't be here for this Christmas..." The woman says while walking up to Jimin. He doesn't take that information in well.

"What?... Why?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows. "I thought you guys sorted it out at work?.. What's happened then?"

"Well you see.. the co-workers who were supposed to go in for us got suddenly ill plus there is a meeting soon in another city that we must appear in.. You know how it is with bussiness thease days right?" She explains trying to soothe everything up.

"Yeah.. Sadly I do know.. Well fine, if you really must then I can't do anything about it.." He says officially finishing the conversation. "I'm going to my room.." 

"Jiminie wait!" His mother called out to him and he turned to look at her once more. "We're leaving tomorrow in the early morning.." She added and Jimin once more sadly nodded then left to his room where he placed the plastic bags he was carrying on his desk while he himself sat down on his desk chair.

Why this Christmas out of all of them?

Does she not know how Jungkook despises me?

And what do they mean when they co-workers got suddenly ill?

I bet they just paid enough to not go in for my parents...

Well, at least I won't be fully alone for this Christmas.

After a while of sitting in silence with his thoughts he finally unpacked the presents he bought from the plastic bags plus some wrapping paper to wrap the presents in. He thought that if he had to give his mom and step-dad a present he'd have to do it now otherwise he wouldn't have the time afterwards, so their presents went first and just as he finished wrapping them he was about to go downstairs to find them but his phone rung. He looked at the screen and he saw the name Taehyung. Of course he picked up. "Hello?" He asked polietly waiting for a response. 

"Hello? Jimin?"

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked wanting to quickly go through the call.

"Well, you know how every year we have a friendly Christmas party?"

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