Chapter 34|| Getting Settled

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|Jimin's Pov|

Me and the rest of our team went to the right of the forest while the other team went to the left. It didn't go unnoticed to me that Hoseok most likely had been catching on to how me and Jungkook were acting and we surely were acting different compared to last week. As we walked through the forest to decide where we would settle down and get everything up, Jungkook walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "Is it just me or is Hoseok starting to suspect something?" He asked in a whisper. I shrugged my shoulders and then replied:

"I don't know but I'm guessing we'll have to be much more careful around the others." I answered in the same time of voice. Jungkook nodded and decided to walk up to Namjoon and Seokjin who were busy argueing where to settle down. At times like this they always remind me of a married couple and the rest of the guys never let that slide and laugh at them to make them argue even more which ends up being even more funny.

I sighed as I was too much in thought to like fun at the guys and just wanted to settle down already and try to not focus on the fact that Hoseok might've found me and Jungkook out.

At some point Jungkook managed to calm both of the guys down and we finally decided where to camp. We ended up having two tents since there's more of us than in the other team, we decided that it's best to put the tents up now and later in decide who is sleeping in which tent.

Jungkook was helping Seokjin while I was helping Namjoon, if course that didn't pass by me nearly stabbing myself plenty of times with things that aren't even sharp enough to stab a normal human being but since I was born a human catastrophe that slips on plain wooden floor with no socks on and land on the floor. How amazing.

Namjoon honestly thought that if I ended up putting the tent up by myself I would be dead by now, frankly I agree with him. It took us a bit longer to put the tent up compared to Seokjin and Jungkook because as I was saying: I nearly managed to kill myself over a billion times.

When me and Namjoon finally finished I sat down by a tree and have our a tired/relieved with happy that I managed to survive through this and end up not getting hurt. I also wiped some invisible sweat from my forehead as if I really worked hard on setting the tent up. Namjoon laughed at my actions but I ignored it as I was truly happy I didn't kill or injure myself because that would obviously be a problem. "So, should we start collecting some stocks and stones for the fire or are we going to decide who is sleeping in which tent now?" Jungkook asked ignoring the fact I looked like I just came back from a rough day of work.

"I think we should collect the things for the fire first." Namjoon said while I agreed with a hum.

"How much do you think we'll need?" Seokjin asked crossing his arms.

"Depends on how long we want to keep the fire going." Jungkook replied. "But it shouldn't be a problem since we are literally in a forest surrounded by stocks everywhere." He added.

"That is a very good point but does anyone actually know how to start a fire?" Seokjin said asking another question. That's when I decided to pull out my lighter.

"Hoseok didn't mention we can't bring lighters with us so I did." I said.

"Do you always carry a lighter around with you?" Namjoon asked probably thinking that I smoke or something along those lines.

"If you think or are worried that I smoke then you have nothing to worry about because I don't. I just had a lighter in my room for whenever I want to light a candle." I explained and the older nodded in understanding.

"Okay well, I can go look for some stones to keep the fire safe if no one else wants to." Jungkook suggested and it didn't look like anyone's going to disagree with him so in matter of seconds he went off to find some stones. As he left I kept playing with my lighter until it for snatched away by Namjoon who apparently did not trust me with it.

"You realise I'm not that clumsy?" I said looking up at the older guy.

"Are you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow. I knew I couldn't argue with him so I sighed in defeat. "Anyway I'm going to go father some sticks up for the campfire." He added and I got up to see what Seokjin is doing.

"Hey~" I said in a singing voice obviously voted since I had nothing to do.

"Hey Jimin." He replied while shuffling pillows and blankets inside each tent.

"Would you like some help?" I asked hoping the latter would say yes.

"No, I'm almost finished anyway, but thanks for the offer." He replied with a warm smile across his face as it seemed he finished just as he stopped talking. Well at least now Seokjin isn't doing anything too, so maybe we'll just and up talking and I won't be so bored. Yet few minutes after me and him started to talk Namjoon has arrived with full hands of sticks that he placed down in a pile.

"Is Jungkook not back yet? I thought he'd be back before I would." He said walking up to us. Me and Seokjin looked at each other wondering who should speak first.

"No he hasn't been back yet. But we shouldn't worry, this forest has no vicious animals." Seokjin said.

"Yeah exactly, so I'm just guessing that he's having trouble finding the stones." I added to Seokjin's previous statement.

Just as Namjoon was about to say something behind him Jungkook was walking back carrying medium size stones and he immediately started to form a circle out of them for the firepit, we all just watched him in silence as he arranged the stones as if no ones was stating at him at all. When he finished he looked at all of us with a bunny smile on his face. "So, who is going to sleep with who?" He asked looking as happy as a puppy.


So this chapter is not very important but to build the story up I had to do it ☺


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