Chapter 17|| The View

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When both Jungkook and Jimin came back home thye were immedietly told to get dressed in something more formal due to thier parents coworkers coming to the party they decided to held this year. Before Jimin started to go upstairs he laid down the things him and Jungkook bought and then wanted to ask a question to his mom. "Eomma, is there going to be anyone else except your coworkers?" He asked, he wasn't really looking forward to being surrounded by an atmosphere of workoholic adults so he needed to know if he has to mentally prepare himself or not.

"Oh sorry I forgot to mention. Your friends wanted you three to go out to the park together to just have fun on your own so I'm guessing you'll be going right?" His mom said suddenly remembering. Jimin nodded in response.

"Yeah, I'll go. Thanks eomma. But then why do we need to get dressed in something else?" Jimin questioned not understanding the point in changing his clothes.

"That's because they'll be here any minute and I need good impressions of you guys." His mom replied while his stepfather walked into the kitchen to help with small things out. Jimins mom was not happy about that though. "Oh god, please try not to burn anything. I know how you are with cooking!" She said while Jimin chuckled to himself looking at how adorable his parents can be.

"Alright then. I'll see you in a minute." Jimin said finally retreating to his room to fetch for something 'more formal' to wear. He ended up choosing a simple long sleeved top with suspenders and a pair of black jeans plus this wierd hat he got from Sunmi ages ago. He just felt like wearing it for some reason.

When he was done he walked back downstairs where he was met with both Sunmi and Jungkook already waiting for him while greeting some guests that have arrived before Jimin walked down

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When he was done he walked back downstairs where he was met with both Sunmi and Jungkook already waiting for him while greeting some guests that have arrived before Jimin walked down. As usual Jimin was able to witness a different side of Jungkook than the cold hearted one and instead he sees the well mannered and kind one which he only gets to see when Jungkook is surrounded by people other than Jimin or Sunmi. Now that he thinks about it why does Jungkook dislike Sunmi? She hasn't done anything bad. At least not that he knows of. "Hey, Sunmi, can I ask you a question?" Jimin said walking up to Sunmi who was just finishing greeting everyone.

"Yeah sure, what is it?" She asked not having noticed Jimins hat yet.

"Well um.. It was quite easy for me to notice that Jungkook doesn't really like you.. Do you know why?" He asked making sure that Jungkook does not hear him. Sunmi took a glance at Jungkook before looking back at Jimin.

"Hmm, I honestly think he just hates me because I'm close to you which means I must be somewhat similar to you. That might be enough for him to hate me." She said and Jimin hearing that answer sighed. "What's up?" Sunmi asked immedietly.

"I'm just, tired you know.. I don't understand why he hates me so much.." Jimin says not even trying to hide it from his best friend because he knows that she'll find out anyway.

"Ah, well, maybe he doesn't. Maybe he's just scared of something." Sunmi said with a gentle smile while looking at Jungkook who was also finishing greeting everyone and when he did he walked over to both Sunmi and Jimin with a cold stare on.

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