Chapter 21|| A Storm

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After a long day at school and then waiting in the rain Jimin and Jungkook finally arrived home where thier mom welcomed them with warm food and ready clothes for them to change into. This was what Jimin loved the most about his mom, no matter what the circumstances were she would always make things ready for him even if she was really busy at that time.

It was about 7PM when he got notified that both of his parents have been suddenly called to work because of others not being able to make it due to the rain, Jimin wasn't happy that instead of denying they accepted to work even more than they already did and left without any other words. But then again Jimin didn't really blame them, they weren't exactly irreplacable in thier company, it did pay good but to stay there you really had to over-work yourself. That's something Jimin never understood and never wanted to understand. Instead he just stayed in his room listening to some calm music while doing his homework and waiting for the rain to pass. He didn't like rain, he acctually dispised rain, and especially he hated storms.

They always brung back bad memories which he didn't like to remember.

He didn't let himself get any more bothered by the rain and focused comepletley on the homework until he lost the track of time. What got him thinking straight once again was a loud noise coming from outside his window. He looked up from his books to look outside the window as he was ciriuous what was happening. It looked like the rain was about to turn into a storm. Jimin looked at his phone to check the time and it was already 10PM. He really didn't fancy staying alone now that he knew a big storm was about to hit the city, but considering it's a school night and both him and Jungkook usually wake up at 6 in the morning, Jungkook is probbably asleep now which means that Jimin has no other choice but to put up with the thunder and lightning that's about to join the rain. He started to come up with ideas to prevent himself from hearing the thunder and the best one was to just listen to music with earphones in. 

So when the storm started Jimin immedietly started to listen to music while sitting on his bed and scrolling through his feed on instagram, facebook and then Snapchat. What bothered him most was the fact that even though he had music he would still get distracted by the outside. Nothing was helping him at this point and he was getting more stressed and tense by the minute. What is he supposed to do? He can't just go and wake Jungkook or one of his friends up. No one knows about Jimin not being able to stand storms. It's mostly because he was traumatized when he was little and it was all connected to the storm. He'd think that he would forget all about that few years ago but it still bothered him up to this day.

After a short while Jimin ended up pacing around his room as all he could hear was the storm getting louder and much more agressive. He tried everything. Listening to music, shutting the curtains to block out the sight of the rain, covering his ears with pillows, trying to focus on something else but it was no use. Normally his mom would come and comfort him right away but the wasn't here so what was he supposed to do in this situation? Suddenly he started to feel fear raising up in his brain as he started to over react every little thing and even get scared of every little thing. His heart would speed up as well as his breathing, he would start swetting to the point where he walked to a corner and hid himself in a ball to save himself from anything that was out to get him.

Even inside the house he started to hear wierd noises suggesting that his mind went comepletley out of control. He must like an insane child at this point. Tears started to pile up as his mind went back to the forgotten years of his life and soon they fell down his cheecks and thurther as he was too scared to look up or to move at all.

This wasn't a new thing for Jimin but it also wouldn't happen often at all. So far he only had to deal with storms by himself only twice and it wasn't for that long either. So now considering the storm isn't about to leave anytime soon Jimins mind is scattered in dark places of his memories that he'd rather have not remember. He was so out of it, it was hard for him to snap back to reality. He'd hear somethings as if someone is calling out to him from the outside of his brain but it was too quiet to focus on. Only when his body started to shake, that's when he got back to reality where he found Jungkook shaking his body. "Ju-Jungkook? Wh-What are you doing here?.." Jimin asked in a scared tone yet still surprised.

"I got a call from your mom, telling me you can't deal with storms and to come and comfort you but it seems you're really not in a good state." Jungkook said worried about whatever Jimin was thinking about and going through. Jimin gave him a small nod as he felt more tears starting to pile up. He didn't know why he wanted to cry again, when Jungkook got him snap back to reality he didn't feel as stressed and scared as before so he stopped crying but for some reason the tears were coming back even though he didn't feel like the need of crying. So why? Why did he want to cry right now? He didn't know but when Jungkook saw the tears piling up in Jimins eyes he immedietly grabbed his arm and pulled him for a hug. That was what made Jimin end up crying.

He didn't know why and for what reason but he just did.

Jungkook didn't seem to mind so he just thought it was okay to cry.

Jungkook stayed and kept Jimin company for who knows how long. He calmed him down everytime Jimin would start over-reacting again and he would comfort him everytime his face would drown in dispair. At some point Jimin felt himself drift off to sleep in his bed while Jungkook was sitting on the floor next to the bed, non-stop talking to make Jimin focus on whatever he was saying instead on the storm. It worked but now he was too tired to think about anything. His eyes got really heavy, he only decided to close them for a second. 

The moment he was about to fall asleep he heard Jungkook shuffle and most likely stand up to leave the room but before that happened Jimin shot his eyes open and got a hold of him. Jungkook looked back at Jimin in surprise. "Please.. Stay with me, I don't want to be alone.." Jimin mumbled with puffy eyes, Jungkooks expression changed from surprised to an understanding one and he nodded as he sat back down next to Jimin. What got Jungkook really thinking was the fact that Jimin would not let go of Jungkooks hand. 

Jimin knew Jungkook wasn't going to leave anymore but a part of him just thought there was no point in letting go. He's about to sleep anyway.

But Jungkook still questioned it. Not knowing why this was happening at all.


Idek why I made Jimin be scared of the storm. I have a backstory to it, I just don't know why I decided to add that lol.

BTW soz for not updating for so long but I was just stuck and really busy with everything and ye, hope you all aren't angry at me for that rip.


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