Chapter 15|| Glass Shard

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  "I didn't know you guys were going out." 

"Jungkook? What? No, we aren't going out." Jimin said defensively while taking a look at Sunmi that looked like anything but shocked about what just Jungkook said.

"Oh really? Then what has Sunmi have to say about this?" Jungkook questioned keeping his burning gaze at Jimin who looked at Sunmi waiting for her to talk but it looked like she had no intention of doing so.

"Come on, Sunmi.. Say something! Tell him that he got it wrong!" Even though Jimin was asking Sunmi to speak she didn't even look at anyone. She just stood there, hands behind her back, eyes closed in a relaxed manner and a typical knowing smile on her face.

"You know, what's the point in lying about this Jimin? It's obvious." Jungkook said being fed up with Jimin and his opinions. Jungkook walked past the two to grab a can of coke and left the kitchen to go back to his room. When he got to his room he closed his door shut, opened his can of coke and drank some of it. After that he placed it down rather harshly on his desk bending the can a little. He was angry. Not with Jimin or Sunmi, he was angry with himself.  He turned around to face the mirror he had in his room that was a full body lenght, he walked up to it and looked at his face in it. "What happened to me?.." He questions himself, it's almost as past those few months he lived here he managed to change into a complete mess of emotions. "This shouldn't be happening... Why him out of all fucking people.." Jungkook was tired. He is tired of trying to avoid Jimin as much as possible. He is tired of acting as someone he is not. He is tired of argueing with himself. 

He is tired

of his feelings for Jimin..

Jungkook sighed to himself as he backed away from the mirror and sat down on his desk chair. He started to calm down while peacefully laying his head down on the desk. He observed how the sunlight behind the glass window enters his room, how the tiny particles of dust wonder about in that sunlight and eventually land somewhere around his room. He observed how different shadows of trees outside his window move lightly as the delicate wind pushes them. It all made him feel relaxed and soon after tired. Too tired.. He just needed to rest. So he closed his eyes... but his phone rang so he had to open them once more. Yet something was different. Very different. That's when he realised:

It's night time. He looked at his phone to see it's only a YouTube notification and that it is actually 2 AM in the morning. Well he sure isn't tired anymore. He leaned back on his chair trying to look up at the cealing but just then he got a stinging pain in the back of his neck. 

Jungkook note this: Do not sleep on the desk ever again. It's not worth the pain.

He tried stretching the neck a little to release the pain but it didn't work. What's worse he thinks it actually made it worse.

Great. Just my luck isn't it?..

Finally he got up carefull not to move his neck too vigorously and silently walked out of his room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. As he walked dowstairs he realised that there were too more pair of shoes near the front door, which meant that his parents must finally be back. He smiled to himself being happy that they made it back home safely, that made him feel better at least a little bit. Turning a corner he entered the kitchen while turning on the light switch and then walking over to one of the drawers where they keep all the medicine and stuff. He was hoping to find some kind of cream that would relax his neck muscles a little but obviously there was nothing, in the end he decided to just have a glass of water. There was a glass on the drying rack which wasn't exactly dry but it was water anyway so he just took the glass filled it with tap water and quietly drank it bit by bit. When he finished he was about to put the glass back but due to the glass being already slippy from the water on the sides of it the glass managed to slip out of Jungkooks hand and smash on the cool tile kitchen floor.

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