Chapter 38|| Tears

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|Jungkook's Pov|

I couldn't do anything..

I just say there watching things escalate as I kept my head low, too afraid to have my own saying in this. I've never seen Jimins mom so angry before.. Actually I've never seen her angry. I sat motionless as I saw her slap Jimin in the corner of my eye.

Still, I wonder; how did it all lead to this?

Not even a minute after Jimin left to his room his mother stormed out of the house. Most probably to go inform my father about all of this. I never thought things would turn out this way but then again.. nothing lasts forever. I slowly got up from my seat and headed towards Jimins room and was about to knock but seen no need in it so just walked straight in to be met with Jimin in the middle of his room. Crying.. he say with his knees to his chest and head down while his clothes; that he probably was going to pack, surrounded him. I felt my heart sank as the view in front of me caused nothing but pain. The little guy seemed not to notice my presence, I disnt bother to say anything, instead I walked over to him, kneeled down and wrapped my arms around him. That made Jimin look up to meet my sad gaze with his puffy red eyes. "J-Jungkook!.." He cried out as he turned around to hug up to my chest, his years kept on steaming down his delicate cheeks. I couldn't help but shed tears myself.

What was the point in holding back tears anymore?

As I cried I tried comforting Jimin by drawing circles with my hand on his back. It didn't seem like it was working very well though, his grip on my shirt would tighten from time to time but heard and sobs would stay the same.

We stayed that way for a really long time yet it didn't seem like our parents were back at all. Did something at work held both of them up? Probably. It didn't matter as long as I didn't have to leave Jimins side. He has calmed down and stopped crying but none of us wanted to free ourselves from the hug. "I'm sorry.. this is all my fult.." Jimin said with a voice crack as this was the first thing he said after crying for so long.

"Don't say that.. your mom shouldn't have even touched your phone in the first place.." I whispered hugging him close. "Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't tell it would happen." I added.

"But because of my carelessness we are being pulled apart.." He argued in a quiet, almost unhearable voice.

"Maybe-" I started but stopped not knowing what to say for a second. "Maybe.. this all was supposed to happen.. but I believe we can pull through this."

"How?" He questioned.

"Phone. We can text and call each other, that way we'll keep in contact at all times. Also I bet out parents will want you to visit for Christmas and Summer holidays, we can pull through this." I explained. Jimin pulled a bit back to look up at me, his eyes less puffy but still red.

"Kiss me, Jungkook.." He whispered.

Without even thinking about it, I did as he asked and connected our lips in a gentle kiss. We both didn't rush the kiss as our feelings spoke louder than our actions. The moment we separated our lips to breath was the worst. We both knew that we have a limited time to be together since today and both of us didn't want to imagine the day we would be seeing each other for the last time. That's why I decided to connect our lips, the second I caught my breath. But this time I showed more affection then before. I felt Jimins hand wander through my hair making it messy while I just held him right and close to me not wanting him to move even an inch away from me. Yet oxygen is a must.

I separated our lips once more breathing in the air that filled the room while I rested my forehead on Jimins, looking into his eyes filled with so many emotions; I couldn't even try to count them. In that moment I thought it was the right time to tell him 'I love you' I couldn't possibly not tell him, he has to know especially since those will be the very last few days I'll see him for God knows how long.

Just as I was about to tell him my feelings my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I shuffled a tiny bit away from the guy who looked like he was thinking about something right now. I looked at my phone to see who was calling and I was somewhat relieved to see it wasn't my dad but Taehyung. I swiped the button 'pick up' and held the phone to my ear. "Yeoboseyo?"

"Jungkook? Is Jimin with you? He hasn't been picking up for quite a while now, I'm getting a bit worried.." I heard Taehyung say and my eyes drifted to Jimin wondering of he is up to talking to Taehyjng right now. I think Jimin got the idea and must have heard Taehyungs voice through the phone as he nodded his head in agreement to tell him that Jimin is with me.

"Yes, he's with me. Would you like me to hand him over?" I asked.

"Yes please!" Taehyung exclaimed and I handed the phone over to Jimin.

"Taehyung?" Jimin said and I could hear Taehyung starting to tell but was almost immiedietly cut off by Jimin. "I'm moving to America in around a week.. and no, there's no changing it." He said and I was honestly surprised that he told him so quickly about it. "It wasn't my choice Tae... I'm sorry.. could you please tell the others though?"

"There was no point in arguing with my mom. She was.. or rather is very angry." I couldn't hear what Taehyung was saying but I could only guess what it was by Jimins reply. "The reason why she decided to move me there is.. Well.. it's not something I should explain over the phone." He said and I wondered if he wanted to tell the others if we were together. If so then I guess there's no point in hiding it as Jimin will be leaving anyway..

Jimin looked at me and I could tell that he was asking weather we should tell him and the others about the fact that me and Jimin are together and I nodded my head. "If you really need to know then come over with others. You all need to hear this.."


You know guys, I felt had for you all and decided to gift you another chapter for today and it's not a very sad one so I hope you all forgive me hehe

Okay so I'd say there's around three or four chapters left to go so you all better buckle up for a ride guys.


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