Chapter 26|| Worry

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|Jimin's POV|  

Today is going to be the worst day ever. I can just see how I am going to die without saying my farwell to everyone. Yup. I'm 99% sure that's going to be the case. 

Why, you may ask. 

Well. I most likely failed my test and my mom is most likely already getting the garden ready for me to sleep in. Through-out the whole day I walked tensed up and stressed, some of my friends found that funny and some found it worrying. For example Taehyung and Hoseok, they looked like they had the best time of thier life while I was praying to not get killed today.

On the other hand Seokjin and Jungkook were looking at me like they feared that I might go insane any minute. It was getting worse and worse as the end of the day was nearing because that's when we would get our results and I just did not feel like going over to that board in the corridor to see how I scored 0 out of a 100 percent. 

As I was walking down the hall with Jungkook to see our results I felt the stress build up in me more and more as I took each step. It was the most horrible feeling I ever felt. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was met with Jungkooks worried look. "Hey, calm down a little. I bet everything's going to be fine. You're a smart guy after all, I should be the one worried here." He said comforting me. I smiled a little feeling like some of the stress has been lifted off my shoulders.

"Thanks." I said. We walked up to the board and we kinda splited up to look for our classes on the board. When I found mine I nervously started to look for my name on the bottom, at first I thgought I saw my name and I was about to cry but I read the rest of the name wrong. It looked like someone named Park Chaeyoung scored 5 percent. Damn, I feel bad for her, but I have to find myself first. 

I started to scan up again until I found my name. I was 5th and I scored 87%. I felt relief flow over me as a smile crept up on my face. I turned my head to find Jungkook, I was about to walk up to him when I did find him but I stopped in my tracks when I saw him happily talking to Jisoo. My eyes dropped to the floor. 

I didn't know why but seeing Jungkook happy with Jisoo would just make me feel wierdly upset. So, instead of walking up to him I decided to just leave the school on my own. I didn't know if he was going to notice me or not but even if he did he'd probably be too busy talking to his friend instead of checking up on his older stepbrother. At least that's what I thought at that time.. I walked out of the school gates and I felt the need to look back, I didn't know why but I just did. I didn't expect to see anything special or anything, after all it was just the schools building and students walking out of it to walk home or get picked up.

I walked slowly, taking in the surroundings around me, I slowly realised that I was no longer heading home, I was walking through the middle of the city for probably an hour or two by now, also, I realised I had a few missed calls from my parents but much more from Jungkook. I sat down on a nearby bench which was by the park, I unlocked my phone to see I also had few texts from Jungkook. I decided to read them.


Jungkook: Jimin why did you 

leave without me?

Jungkook: Did you scored badly 

in the test?

Jungkook: Are you okay?

Jungkook: Why won't you answer me?

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