Chapter 6|| Childlish Voice

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So.. this was not planned at all.

Thought Jungkook to himself while sitting in the livingroom with Jimin with his maths book out.

Why did I agree to this, again?

Did I really was so despeate to die so quickly?

God I hate being near him...

Jungkook just wouldn't stop questioning his reasoning while he sat next to Jimin who was scanning Jungkooks homework, both of them didn't look at each other even once as well as they were keeping quite a big distance from each other when it comes to helping with homework. They were a meter and a half away from each other. 

This must look really ridicilous right now.

Of course it does, who normal sits so far away from someone who is supposed to help you with homework? Jungkook does. "Um.." Jimin muttered quietly trying to hand Jungkook the paper with the questions on it. "So.. which bit do you not understand?.." He asked calmly and polietly while Jungkook quickly grabbed the paper from Jimin.

"I don't understand the fifth question.." He said not making any eye contact.

"Alright.. well the way you do it is this-" Jimin started to explain fully how to solve the type of questions and it turned out that it was actually quite easy but it seemed hard. Well at least for Jungkook. As time went by the two of them ended up sitting right next to each other with Jimin explaining how to solve equations that were on paper and Jungkook noting everything down. At that time, it all seemed like the both of them could actually get along.

At that time..

Nothing lasts forever does it?

"So.. this should be all.. right?" Jimin asked slightly looking at Jungkook who was still too busy answering the few last questions in his book. He slightly nodded while scribbiling down the last equation then quite quickly turning to look at Jimin. What they both didn't realise was that they really were close next to each other. Thier faces were only fifteen centimeters apart which cought Jungkook off guard making him look dumbfounded while Jimin jumped back while quickly starting to gather his things and standing up. Jungkook turned his face to his maths book trying to ignore this situation but he couldn't lie that the way Jimin reacted was a bit upseting to him.

"Yeah..." He said acting cold like always while packing away himself. He did that rather quickly, quicker than Jimin who started to get his things before Jungkook. 

As he was leaving he slightly turned to look back at Jimin. "Jimin." He said getting the attention from the older. "Thanks.." He murmured then left the livingroom nd went streight to his room. When he got there he neatly left his belongings on his desk then took his phone off of the bed stand and sat on his phone while unlocking his phone.

First thing he did when he got on his phone:

Yell at Hoseok for making him ask for help from Jimin.






How dare you put me through the pain of actually having to ask Jimin for help?


And even having to say thank you to him!


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