Chapter 20|| Kim Jisoo

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It's already been a few weeks since Jungkook and Jimin started to go to school again. This time though it wasn't akward anymore while walking together to school, they always found something nice to talk about and laugh about. They acctually managed to become best friends through-out the rest of the school break and those few weeks. Both of them got pretty comfortable around each other forgetting about Jungkooks feelings towards Jimin, well Jimin has. Jungkook still has some trouble trying not to think of Jimin as in a attractive way. He tried focusing himself onto someone else but it was harder than he thought. Today though, he met a new student. A female student.

It happened to appear that a new student has joined thier school today, she had medium length black hair, quite small lips and pretty brown eyes.

I guess that's what guys call an attractive girl

Jungkook thought looking at the girl who was being introduced in front of the class, her name was Kim Jisoo and almost every male student in class had their eyes laid on her, she didn't seem to mind though, acctually; she seemed like she was used to all the attention. Though she didn't seem like one of those slutty popular girls but those kind of ones who became popular without even trying and just get on with thier life not caring wether they are popular or not.

Jungkooks class wasn't exactly big so there was quite a few spare seats around. The new girl got a choice where she wanted to sit. She quickly scanned through the class and then started to walk down it, a lot of eyes following her wondering if she's going to sit next to them, on the other hand Jungkook was mostly focused on the world outside the window where there was nothing really happening but he still found that much more intresting than looking at a girl choosing her seat in class. He got surprised when he heard a soft 'Hi' being said to him from his right, when he looked he was met with no other than that new girl. She was smiling friendly at him while getting comfortable in her new seat. Jungkook didn't think much of anything and just decided to play along. "Hey. How come you come sit next to me? There's plenty of more intrested people in you than me." He said kind of wanting to know why the girl chose the seat next to him and not someone other like those popular fuckboys.

"Honestly, it seemed as if, if I sit here I will acctually be able to have some peace, and hopefully a friend to talk to." She replied with all honesty. Jungkook nodded his head in understanding quickly analaising what the girl meant.

"Well, I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you." He said holding out a hand for the girl to shake. She smiled gently and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well. I'm Kim Jisoo. I hope we get to get along." She said and after that class begun.


"So I heard that a new girl student joined your class Jungkook." Said Namjoon while everyone were busy getting thier lunch out.

"Yeah, so what?" Jungkook asked sitting down after just getting here and the first thing that happens is him being asked about a new student.

"Well, aren't you going to go for her?" Hoseok asked eager to know. It seemed as if Jimin was intrested in this conversation too.

"Nope, I'm not intrested in her." Jungkook stated plainly not even having to think twice about it as he sat down at the table next to Taehyung.

"Oh really? We really want you to finally get someone, after all you are popular in the girls district." This time it was Taehyung who said that and Jungkook only gave him a look saying: 'are you serious bro' and then went back to his lunch.

"Honestly, you guys, I'm not really looking for a relationship right now." Was his reply. "And if you really want to know I already have someone on my mind.." He added giving Jimin a quick glance who was also looking at him. That made Jungkook avert his eyes in less than a second, he didn't realise Jimin was listening in as well.

"Wah! Really? Who is it? Who?" Asked Hoseok who stood up in the speed of light which mad Jungkook shook for a second.

"W-well, it's no one that you know of.. Plus I decided it would be best if me and them would just stay as friends and I should push back my feelings anyway. So don't get any of your hopes up." Jungkook said calming down after being shook, though everyone seemed to change the topic he knew that two certain people were still uncertain about something. It made him feel nervous as he realised those two people were Seokjin and Jimin. The two people that know the most about everything here. He didn't let that bother him though and just joined in on the converstation everyone else has been having.

After school Jungkook had to go home by himself because Jimin for the first time in his lifetime did not do his homework and the teacher had him stay behind after school. Jungkook kind of felt sorry for him but at the same time he laughed his ass off hearing that. So now, Jungkook was walking through the town while listening to music on his phone, he didn't really care about the things that were happening around him but at some point he felt like he needed to eat a snack, and because he had some pocket money with him he decided to go to a nearby grocery store where he quickly found a random packet of crisps and bought it for himself, as he walked out of the store he opened the packet and was about continiue walking when he noticed that suddenly it was pouring down rain. Jungkook sighed to himself and decided to make a run for it. Though he had to stop under some shelter realsing that there is no point in trying to run in the rain unless he wants to get sick. He didn't know when the rain is going to stop or at least calm down a bit. In other words he only has the option to wait.

As the time went by Jungkook found himself sitting down next to a wall while observing the lonely pathway and roads that have been deserted ever since the rain got really bad. Of course there would be occasional cars going by but not many. At some point Jungkook saw a familiar figure running in the rain like an idiot. It was indeed an idiot, why? Because it was no one other than Jimin. Jungkook immiedietly stood up and called the olders name and when Jimin looked over Jungkook gestured for him to come over. When he did it was quite obvious that Jimin was drenched in the rain. It almost looked like he decided to take a shower in clothes. "What are you doing here?" Jimin asked.

"I could ask you the same question. You could've waited in school for the rain to pass instead of making a run for it. We don't exactly live near the school you know." Jungkook stated obviously not happy how Jimin acted recklessly. 

"Oh well." Was all Jimin said, that made Jungkook roll his eyes.

"Just so you know, I don't think the rain is going to calm down anytime soon."

"I know."

"What should we do?" Jungkook asked hoping Jimin will have some idea of what to do in this situation.

"I could try calling stepfather to see if he'll be able to pick us up." Jimin suggested.

"Do it." Jungkook said as Jimin took out his phone and dialed thier dads number, after a short while Jimin was already in the middle of asking if he will be able to pick them up. After the call ended Jungkook was inpatient to know the answer.

"Well, he said he will but it might take a while. He's still at work and he's only finishing one bit off and then he will come an pick us up. The problem is.." Jimin trailed off as he sighed to himeself. "We'll have to wait another hour."



Back from the dead,


Honestly, I hate all the chapters I am writing right now and I am so unhappy about it but I promise soon it will all start making more sense and be better I just need some time to get to the good bits [*]


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