Chapter 35||Sharing A Tent

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|Jungkook's Pov|

It took us all quite a while how we are going to share the two tents; since no one minded who they'll and up with we decided that we'll deal with it the way we did when we were dealing with the teams. Rock, paper, scissors.
"Alright, everyone ready?" Jimin asked looking serious like this was the biggest decision of everyone's life. We all nodded waiting for Jimins signal. "One.. Two... Three!" That's when we all showed our picked hand gesture and whoever beated the rest they would go to an assigned tent. Seokjin won the first round and got to choose whichever tent he wanted to be in since he was the first one to win. Now the tent he chose became tent number one and whoever won next would be with him. "Alright, one, two.. and three!" We did the exact same thing like before but this time Namjoon won and that meant he'd be sharing a tent with Jin but it also meant that me and Jimin would be sharing one tent as well. We both looked at each other but quickly parted our eyes and looked towards the older guys.

"So I guess it's settled. You guys alright with this?" I asked and they nodded but I could sense that Seokjin was looking a bit odd. "Jin hyung? You sure you're fine with this?" I asked once more and the older looked at me.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just that not so long ago two guys weren't talking and in general I'm just hoping you guys won't feel akward towards each other." Seokjin explained and I honestly felt like laughing.

"Ah, don't worry about that we're fine now and we actually have a lot in common so we'll probably and up talking all night." Jimin said not letting me answer but I did enjoy watching him talk so happily even if it is just nonsense or something along the lines. Seokjin smiled back at Jimin and it seemed like everything was finally settled.

"Alright well, should we get the fire going and eat something? I bet everyone's hungry." Namjoon said clapping his hands to gather our attention, without hesitation everyone agreed by nodding and we divided each other to do different stuff. For example me and Namjoon were in charge to get the fire going while Jimin would help Seokjin get some good for us. Namjoon wanted mento help him since he was too scared that Jimin would burn his hair off by an accident.

I understood that.

After we all ate we realised how late it was when it suddenly got dark we all agreed on heading to sleep now, or.. At least try to. We all headed to our tents and me and Jimin silently went inside our tent where we could finally talk properly. "This tent has a bit more space then I thought it would." Jimin said quickly choosing on which side he'll be sleeping on. I looked at him trying to figure out what to talk to him about, then I remembered about the incident with Hoseok.

"Jimin?" I begun waiting to get Jimins attention. He hummed in response as he took out spare clothes to get changed into but I didn't really paid attention to that. "Do you think we'll going to have to keep our distance from each other while Hoseok is around? He seems to catch on to us.." I scrached the back of my head as I stared into space while scratching the back of my head. Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my chest.

"I guess we'll have to take notice of weather Hoseok is watching or not but.." He rested his head on my back. "I don't think I'll be able to just not show my affection." He said and I smiled to myself.

"Really? Because so far you did manage to act like there is nothing between us." I replied and that's when Jimin moved away to turn me to face him. He cupped my face so I would look at him while he had a serious face on.

"Jungkook, you can't possibly think that it was easy for me, right?" He questioned and I sighed. The truth was that I did think that Jimin found it easy to just hide the fact that we're dating.

"I mean.. yeah, kinda.." I addmitted and now it was Jimins turn to sign as he let go of my face and looked down at the blanket we were sitting on. "But I can guess where you're coming from, it wasn't exactly easy for me to pretend like this either.." I added. Jimin looked up to look me in the eyes.

"Well, we need to just get through this at this point." He said as I decided to hold his hand. We sat there in silence just enjoying the moment of where we could just sit like that together as if we wouldn't be able to see each other the next day.

"I think we should sleep now. I'm honestly tired and knowing Seokjin he's going to wake us up at a crazy early time." I said after a few minutes. I laid down feeling how tiredness took over my body.

"Aren't you going to change though?" Jimin asked looking at me. Only then I realised that he already got changed. Probably when I was staring into space he managed to get changed.

"But that's just effort.." I groaned but even so I still got up to get changed into something more comfortable. When I did I laid back down and covered my face with a blanket, I knowim acting like a child right now but why not?

Shortly after I've covered myself with the blanket I felt Jimin shuffle around to soon appear next to me under the blanket. "You're such a child sometimes." He said, looking into my eyes. I puffed out my cheeks.

"You're one to talk, you hurt yourself more than a five year old would." I argued but the older guy rolled his eyes.

"Bad argument, Jungkook." He sighed and as I looked at him, (I took off the blanket from our heads since the air was getting harder to breath in.) I thought I should try something.

"Can I call you Jiminie?" That question seemed to surprise the tiny; compared to me; guy.

"Yes, of course. Why'd you ask?"

"Well I just wanted to check if it's alright with you." Was my response. Jimin smiled at me and caught my hand in his under the blanket.

"Of course I'm okay with it.. Jungkookie." He said with such a genuine smile that I felt my heart flutter.


A chapter with kinda a fluff ending? 😅

Hope you enjoy those chapters I give out with fluff and happiness in it because it won't last forever 😈

I'm evil


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