Chapter 9|| Do You Really Hate Me?

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Jimin is not feeling it today. He feels as if he won't be able to enjoy himself at the party tonight. If he had to be honest, he didn't want the party this year anyway but of course he puts others before him so now he will be stuck in a party at his own house. Hopefully the beer will make him feel better. Officially they're not supposed to drink but his parents aren't really good at hiding thier alcohol at home, there's going to be some explaining hapening but he's not worrying about it now.

It is exactly fifteen minutes until his friends are going to start showing up and he's in his room regretting ever agreeing to this party even though it's way too late now. Jungkook is probably downstairs by now, waiting for others, Jimin should go downstairs as well to not seem as being rude and so he does.

Downstairs he is met with alcohol in the kitchen and in the livingroom plus some food whereas Jungkook is sitting comfortably on the couch too busy to pay attention while on his phone. That's when Jimin noticed that the dark haired boy is wearing the exact earings he bought him for Christmas. He didn't know why but it made him feel a bit better than before, the fact that something is changing between them is really reliefing for Jimin. Especially because he thought that for the rest of his life Jungkook will want him to disappear from his face for the whole enternity. Well, here's proof that, that might not be the case.

When paying closer attention Jungkook was dressed in a white untucked button-up shirt and black ripped skinny jeans plus what seems to be his favorite black beanie that he usually wears everywhere. Today is no exception.

After a short while the doorbell rung signalising that someone has arrived, of course Jimin went to open the door before Jungkook even stood up. At the door he was met with; surprisingly, everyone that had big smiles stuck to thier happy faces. As everyone walked in they all greeted each other with a friendly hug and walked to the living room where soon the party would start. "Woah, Jimin you really went out of your way with food and alcohol. Where did you even get it from?" Asked Namjoon looking around.

"My parents aren't exactly good at hiding anything here." Jimin said shrugging his shoulders, a second after Hoseok ran up behind him tapping on his shoulders with an excited face.

"Come on, Jimin! What's with that tone of voice? Cheer up! It's a party after all." Hoseok reasoned but soon after disappeared to Taehyung who was already putting music on. Out of all things Jimin could do it was not to cheer up, he wasn't feeling it and that's it. The only thing he would do right now would be to grab some alcohol and watch as everyone is having fun. That's exactly what he does.

This can either go horribly wrong or not.

And so, the night begun with a lot of drinking, not much eating, a lot of dancing, not much talking and a lot of stupid karaoke that was mainly done by Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon. All of that was of course recorded by a half-drunk Jin who was having the day of his life as Hoseok and Namjoon practically screamed the high notes on some of the songs. Jimin on the other hand was mostly not involved in any of the activities they've done which made him notice how Jungkook was quite the party spirit.

At least that's what it looked like for some time. After a while of messing around Jungkook himself went to sit down in the kitchen where there wasn't much ruckus happening. Jimin had to look after Hoseok who was the most untrusted one in the house. He already tried jumping out the window in Jimins room so that made Jimin much more stressed. All he did was standing in the livingroom with a plastic cup of alcohol in his hand and observing what his idiotic friends are up to. "Oi, Jimin, where is most of the alcohol gone?" Asked Jin not happy that a lot of the alcohol is gone.

"You and the others drunk most of i-"

"Jungkook drunk it!" Said Hoseok practically slamming into every single thing in the room as he spoke in a drunken manner.

"Oh.. That kid is having fun I see. Welp I'll just eat the rest of the food then!" Jin exclaimed pretending to not be offended at the fact that there is barely any alcohol left, but what does he expect? The party has been going for good few hours now and nothing is infinite. Although the fact that Jungkook has drunk most of the alcohol even though he's not partying for quite some time is a bit wierd for Jimin. He's going to check it out after he gets everyone to move out of his house in about half an hour.

As usual when he did try to get his friends to leave the house, no one would want to, they would act like five year olds just to not leave the house but after a while they gave up and Jimin could finally rest. Well nearly, he still wanted to check on Jungkook who in that moment was heading upstairs, so Jimin went after him. "Jungkook, are you alright?" Jimin asked with a tired drunken voice. All this alcohol he had today gave him much more confidence than normally so everything he says here Jungkook could use against him later but he's too drunk to think about those kind of things.

"Piss off." Said Jungkook who was surprisingly only half-drunken even though he drunk the most out of everyone.

"Yah, but Jungkook-ah!" Jimin whined after Jungkook while stepping on the last few steps, Jungkook only gave Jimin a harsh glance then turned back around walking to his room.

"Shut up." He growled obviously not being in a good mood. Though is that obvious to Jimin?

Of course not,

He's drunk what do you expect?

"Jungkook-ah I only want to know if you're al-" Jimin started to say but was soon cut of by a sudden action from Jungkook; Jungkook swiftly turned to face Jimin, walked up to him angrily and grabbed hold of Jimins collar in a thretening way.

"Don't ever call me by my name ever again in that kind of manner, just don't even speak to me ever again, is it so hard for you to understand that I hate every single bit of you? I hate your face, your voice and everything you do! It pisses me off! So be kind enough to not bother me again!" Jungkook practically blew up on Jimin who was now taken aback by this sudden confession from the younger one.

"But what did I ever do to you to deserve this hate?..." Jimin asked after he processed everything. It seemed like his drunk self has changed from a sloppy Jimin to a half-serious, half-sloppy Jimin. "All I've ever done is trying to be friendly with you alright! Stop being so mean!" Jimin exclaimed in a child-like manner which only annoyed Jungkook even more.

"Trying to be friendly is exactly the mistake here! Who said I ever wanted to be friends with someone like you? Because I never did!" Was Jungkooks reply though it seemed as if Jungkook was slowly losing it even more than before which meant that soon this will be a very big arguement.

"How is trying to be friendly bad! And you could've said to me that you do not want to be friends and not ignore me everysingle minute of your life!" Jimin argued making a point.

"Isn't ignoring you a hint that I do not want to be friends with you?" Jungkook asked a retorical question but to Jimin it meant he did have to answer.

"Well then why are you wearing the earings I gave you?" Asked Jimin and Jungkook fell silent as if Jimin hit a spot that Jungkook did not know how to protect himself from. "If you really didn't like me trying to befriend you then you wouldn't wear them. You wouldn't even accept them to start of! I mean do you really hate me or are you just pre-"

"Screw it.." Said Jungkook under his breath ignoring whatever Jimin was saying right now and cut him off by pushing Jimin to a nearby wall and closing the distance between them with a kiss.


I regret nothing

It's getting lit B)


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