Chapter 40|| A Long Night

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|Jungkook's Pov|


It's already Friday, and Jimin's leaving tomorrow.

Our parents really want out of those way to keep us seperated. I haven't seen Jimin ever since we told the guys about us dating. I've spent the week by going to school but he was already signed out of it so he had to just stay home. His mom knew we'd try to see each other so she specially gone to check on Jimin every five minutes (literally) if he's doing anything suspicious. We couldn't text each other either; his mom took it and still haven't given it back.

But today-

Today was different.

Both of our parents were called for work because there was some emergency, I could tell by both of thier faces that they weren't happy with leaving us alone together, so my dad made me leave the house to see a friend. I chose Taehyung. I left the house walking in the way of Taehyungs house while checking every now and then if the car from the driveway is gone. I pulled out my phone and dialed Taehyung to ask him if he'd cover for me. I knew one of our parents would call him to just check if I wasn't lying, thankfully Taehyung agreed.

The second I saw the car drive past me and go around the corner I turned on my hill to almost run back home. Quickly taking off my shoes and coat I speeded up the stairs and without knocking walked into Jimins room.

Jimin was sitting on his bed, a fluffy pillow between his chest and knees, his head resting on it and as it seemed he was scrolling through social media on his phone. When his eyes drifted towards mine he practically threw everything away somewhere on the bed and threw his arms around me, hugging me close. I also wraped my arms around him cherishing the moment.

Yet it seemed like Jimin realised something and pulled away from me with a scared look on his face. "Wait, but what about our parents?" He questioned, I smiled lightly and pulled him close again.

"An emergency happened at thier work or whatever. They left a few minutes ago, they also think I'm at Taehyungs which he; will be covering for me." I explained, Jimin smiled at that information and without any warning he connected our lips, pulling himself even closer to me than he already was.

I gladly accepted the kiss, kissing the little guy back without any hassitation. When we seperated our lips to breath I rested my chin on Jimins shoulder, closing my eyes, taking in happily every second of time being spent with him.

"Jungkook?" Jimin began and I hummed in respone not moving an inch. "I was thinking reacently, and since I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be visiting for God knows how long.. I.." He trailed of and I decided to look in his eyes scared that this conversation will suddenly turn upside down for me.

"Yeah?" I questioned somehow not wanting to hear what the older I going to say.

"I wanted to spend the night with you..." He said, looking away most likey embaressed.

When I realised what he actually said I felt my own cheeks heat up. "Are you serious?" I asked just in case he was feeling unsure.

Jimin nodded while searching for my hand with his. "It's fine if you're not ready..." Jimin added. True, we have had sex before but that was an accident in the heat of the moment. Now if we're talking about having sex not accidentally but actually with consent it's making me a bit nervous.

"It's not that, I'm just worried that you're not ready.." I mumbled and I saw how a small happy smile creeps up on Jimins full plump lips.

"It's fine Jungkook. I want this." Jimin confirmed and stood on his toes to connect our lips that surprisingly for together so perfectly. I slowly deepened the kiss wraping my arms around Jimins waist as I'd usually do and he wrapped his hands around my neck.

When it was time to breathe we slowly seperated our lips and I leaned on Jimins forehead to look into his eyes. I still was a bit unsure if we should do this but I already agreed.

I couldn't think weather I should really do this is not since Jimin decided to silently nibble lightly on my earlobe making me shiver. But not the bad shiver, the nice feeling one. I knew there's no turning back now. "Jimin.." I breathed out feeling how hot my cheeks were getting and how just that simple action from Jimin was turning me on.

Jimin as if reading my mind kissed my lips again but this time I wasn't going for just a simple kiss. I delicately bit Jimins lower lip and licked it, asking for entrance. He didn't seem to mind that and slowly opened his mouth for me the venture in with my tounge.

I'd say that was a rather passionate kiss as Jimins hands soon wandered to tangle up my hair. I slowly lifted him up, his legs around my waist; me holding him by his butt (which was surprisngly soft as fuck). I carried him over to his bad and led him down so I was hovering above him still connected by our lips. The kiss turned a bit chaotic since we both were lacking oxygen in our lungs but at this point, that didn't stop us at all.

But when it did I smoothly took off my shirt to then continue kissing his lips, biting down on then every now and then. Slowly I realised that there were quiet moans escaping Jimins mouth whenever I'd bite his lip and honestly, that was just like fuel to the fire that was starting to grow more powerfull.

After a while I disconnected my lips from Jimins to help him remove his shirt and then go back straight to his lips and slowly move from his lips to his jaw, neck and collarbone. His collarbone is what I realised had the most affect on him. So obviously I spent more time teasing him in that place, which gave me the result I wanted it to have: Jimins silent moans.

I decided to leave a few hickeys on his collarbone to mark the fact that I was here and then moved back to look at the piece of art I had created. Jimins hand reached out to my cheek and only then I realised that his face was as red as a tomato. He smiled at me and then bit his bottom lip looking a bit mixed up with what he wanted to say.

"Jungkook," He began and I moved closer to him, holding his hand in mine. "Can we- you know- move on to the next step?" He asked and I agreeing to his command reached down to my zip but before I went any further I looked back at the guy making sure he's really ready for this. He nodded one more time embaressed and I unzipped my pants, slid them off and when I finished undressing myself, I helped undress Jimin as he was still stuck under me and had quite small space to move around.

I got myself ready while getting myself closer to Jimin. I felt how nervousness started to eat me as I was really scared I'd hurt Jimin, I almost wanted to just back away and hide but I knew it's too late and it would only upset Jimin. So I won't do that.

"Jimin, I just want you to know that it will hurt you know that, right?" I said making sure that if he wants to stop now he can.

"Yes. I know, but I'm with you-" He said with a genuine happy smile. "I can get through the pain." He added. I nodded.

"I'll go in slowly, alright?" I said and Jimin nodded. It seemed that everything was alright for now but the second I fully incerted myself into Jimin I realised how Jimin gripped onto my arm and squeezed it tightly while his face turned into a pained one and I could only sense the fact that tears are piling up in his eyes. He hissed at the pain and I started to panic.

"Jimin-" I said quite panicked trying to get the guys attention. "Jimin open your eyes and look at me." I said and Jimin did as I said. "Just don't think about the pain and look at me. Let every single thought fly by and just focus on me." I instructed him.

"Look at me, as if I'm all that you have." I whispered while grabbing hold of Jimins hand and intertwining our fingers together. As I saw how Jimin focused only on me I leaned over and connected our lips as I started to move slowly. At first Jimins hand gripped onto mine a bit harshly but kissing him surely took his mind off the pain a little and got him more focused on the kiss.

As time passed we both got more comfortable and the night went on with a lot of lust and moans.

I don't think we're ever going to forget this night.


So are you guys happy now? I hope you are cuz I spent quite a while on this chapter.

2 more chapters to go 👏


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