Chapter 10|| Last Night

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  "Screw it.." Said Jungkook under his breath ignoring whatever Jimin was saying right now and cut him off by pushing Jimin to a nearby wall and closing the distance between them with a kiss.  

Jimin shot his eyes open as what it seemed like; Jungkooks lips were connected with his. He was totaly cought off guard as the younger did not intend on parting thier lips. A part of him somewhat enjoyed this situation and wanted more while the more sensible part of him was telling him to push Jungkook away and smack him or something, at first he did try to push him away but it only ended in him grabbing his shirt with very small strenght. While being drunk he couldn't really control anything he does or at least think straight, so with the stupid part of him Jimin returned the kiss while closing his eyes to enjoy the kiss as much as possible. Jimin gave in as Jungkook was taking step by step further, he didn't realise when they both were in Jimins room and on his bed while Jungkook went from kissing Jimin on the lips, to his neck, then collarbone. At that point Jimins mind went blank..


The dim sunlight broke through the tiny gap between the curtains which made Jimin wake up by the stripe of light but he didn't open his eyes. He knew that if he opens his eyes the hungover will hit him hard so insted he turned away from the light and faced the other direction where warmth was comforting him. He scooted closer to that source of heat only to notice that someone was there. That made him open his eyes.

He was met with peacfully sleeping Jungkook...

Jimins eyes shot wide open as he nearly jumped out of the bed in shock, he didn't though because he knew that if he did that the younger would difinietly wake up and Jimin would rather not think of what would happen if Jungkook did woke up. His heartbeat sped up by a massive amout as he was in panic of what to do in this unnatural situation, at one point he thought that Jungkook was about to wake up so he hold his breath but he released it when he realised he was only turning on to his other side which revealed his back. His scarred back..

What happened to him?

Did.. I.. do this?

Jimin gulped down saliva as he slowly started to make his way out of the bed. He was glad to notice that both of them were wearing thier boxers but he still felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave his room as fast as possible. He collected his clothes from the floor that were mixed in with Jungkooks clothes and went out to the bathroom where he could calmy start processing every single event last night. He locked the bathroom door, turned on the shower and stepped under the hot water.

Alright Jimin, time to think back. What exactly happened last night?

First of all, the guys arrived and the party started.

Secondly, I stood at the back watching as things escalate and slowly started to get myself drunk.

After that the guys left so I went to check on Jungkook who was aparently half-drunk.

We had a conversation.. or rather an arguement about...

What was it about?

Ah, yes. Jungkook said he hated me. 

But then how did he end up in my room, in my bed and.. did we do.. something?

Jimin growled not being albe to remember anything from that point on. It was really frustrating but he hoped that it all would come back to him soon, and that Jungkook does not remember anything or if he does, then that he doesn't bring anything up. After a twenty-minute shower Jimin finally exited the bathroom and quietly peeked into his own room to check if Jungkook was still in there. He wasn't. Somehow that reliefed Jimin but at the same time made him nervous because of not knowing the location of the younger. Still, Jimin entered his room and shut the door behind him. Only then Jimin realised how his room awfully stinks, he automatically went to his window, opened the curtains to then open the window for the fresh air to come in and hopefully get rid of the smell as fast as possible. He looked around his room that was a mess, and as he did small bits and pieces of memories crawl back into his mind and in a matter of seconds the full story of last night hit Jimin hard like a wrecking ball. Jimin almost fell on the floor while remembering the event that happened last night.

Me and Jungkook... we..

Holy shit..

Jimin could feel his cheeks heat up as he still can't believe the events of last night. 

Does he remember?..

He had so many questions to which he didn't have answers to, it was driving him insane. What was he supposed to do when he sees Jungkook next? Pretend like he's a total stranger? It is an option but that would be suspicious.. He had to clean his mind, so he quickly found some clothes he could change to and decided to go to the Dance Studio to just think everything through while doing what he loves.

He took his phone, keys and left the house not even wanting to start cleaning up after the party. He needed some space and time alone which for him; could be achived in the Dance Studio. When he got there he was about to enter one of the rooms when a voice called out to him. "Jimin-ah!" He turned to look at no one other than Hoseok.

"Hoseok? Aren't you hungover? You drank so much last night.." He asked in a hurry.

"Nah, I took painkillers first thing when I woke up and drank some water. But what about you? You drank quite a lot yourself right?" Jimin froze for a second quickly coming up with an excuse.

"I guess the hangover just hasn't hit me yet, plus I just wanted to dance by myself for a bit." He said hoping that his friend will buy the excuse. Thankfully he did and left Jimin to himself. Jimin turned to go to one of the dance rooms but when he turned the corner he bumped into somone he was trying to avoid. "Ju-Jungkook..." 

Both of them froze at the sight of each other.


I have no idea what I'm doing but it's working out so ye.


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