Chapter 31|| I Take That As A Yes.

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|Jimins Pov|

"Would it be a bad idea if I said that I want to date you?"

I asked while both of us stood in silence, I felt kind of stupid but also confident asking the question so my face must have give off mixed feelings, I was nervous of what the younger is going to say.. He also looked like he had mixed feelings so I guess I wasn't alone..

"Jimin, you know that would be wrong, you know that because-" 

"No, Jungkook, it wouldn't be because we aren't stepbrothers yet, our parents aren't married so technically that would not be wrong!" I couldn't let him continiue, I guess at this point I was desperate and convinced that this whole thing would work out.

"It would be though, even if our parents aren't married yet, they will be married by next summer. How do you see all of this?" He asked and I walked up to him to look at his face.

"Why are you so against this? Plus, for all we know our parents might end up spliting up." I said trying to convince him.

"I doubt that."

"Well then let's not worry about them and just be happy together while it lasts!" I quickly added. "Please.." Jungkook looked away, busy thinking about everything I've said so far.

"How did things, turn out like this?.." He said asking himself while looking back at me. I was about to start talking again to try convincing him again but he beated me to it and instead he leaned over and gently connected out lips in a tender kiss. My eyes grew open with surprise and my heart skipped a beat but soon, I closed my eyes and gave in to the delicate kiss that was soon ended. I looked up to Jungkook who had a small blush covering his cheeks, though I bet I was already red like a tomato.

"So.. I take that as a yes?" I asked raising a brow while fiddling with my fingers. Jungkook smiled and ruffled my hair with a honest smile across his face.

"Yeah." He replied and I couldn't help but hug the younger while smiling like an idiot myself. "But-" He started slightly pushing me back so he could see my face with his serious one. "You realise we have to keep this a secret from everyone, right?" He finished and I bit my lip. I at least wanted to tell Sunmi about this..

"But.. what about Sunmi?.." I questioned and Jungkook sighed.

"Yeah, I guess she's fine. Since she already kinda worked everything out." Jungkook replied and once again I smiled.

"Then, I'll tell her next time I talk to her, ok?"



The rest of the day went on pretty normal, everyone just thought I was upset about something and my explanation for it was something along the lines of: 'I just had an arguement with Sunmi yesterday'. I hope she can back me up on that if any of the guys go questioning her on messenger. At the end of the day Hoseok and Taehyung said that they wanted us all to hang out and go to a karaoke bar, it seemed like everyone was up for it, even Jungkook, and since I had nothing better to do I joined in as well. That plus I did want to see how badly Namjoon sings and gives us all ear rape. What can I say? He just cannot sing. 

At the bar we rented a room big enough to fit all of us in it and then we started to decide who is going first and who is going last. "I think Jungkook should go first since it's his first time in a karaoke bar with us." Seokjin suggested.

"Well I think that Namjoon should go first so we don't have to die later." Taehyung argued and Namjoon instantly replied with a slap on the others shoulder. 

"What about Jimin? He's a good singer." Hoseok jumped in.

"Yah, I ain't going first! I don't sing that well anyway." I replied almost instantly and with that I suddenly felt an arm being put around my shoulder making me jump slightly at the sudden impact. I looked to my side to be met with Jungkook facing everyone in front. 

"I don't think you can be any worse than I heard Namjoon is." He commented and I looked away feeling embaressed by being praised even though it's in a wierd way.

"See, even Jungkook agrees!" Hoseok added. I rolled my eyes and got out of Jungkooks grasp to look at him.

"I agree with Seokjin that Jungkook should go first." I said and after that Yoongi agreed as well just because he wanted to get this sorted already, apparently he was looking forward to his turn just because he'll be able to make us all go deaf.

"Well I guess I'm going first then.." Jungkook stated in defeat as he walked up to the karaoke to choose a song. When he did everyone got comfy and waited for the youngest to start singing, we didn't think he'd be bad but we also didn't think he would be amazing, I guess we expected him to be decent. He chose a song by Charlie Puth called 'We Don't Talk Anymore', when the song started Jungkook started to sing as well, at that moment I think everyone was captured by Jungkook's beatiful voice or at least I was. I just couldn't keep my eyes away from him as he focused so much on how he's singing. 

I snapped back to reality when everyone started clapping after Jungkook finished, of course I joined in still amazed by Jungkook's singing skills. Next up on the karaoke was Hoseok and Yoongi who were eager to sing together, Jungkook on the other hand sat down next to me with a smile across his face. "I didn't know you could sing so well." I said in shock, the other laughed a bit embaressed by my praise.

"Well, it is kinda my hobby and I guess I didn't have much time to tell you about it." He replied and I nodded.


Half way through the chapter I didn't know what to do next so I decided to throw a karaoke in there lmao

Btw Happy New Year everyone! And also thank you for 5K reads on this fanfiction! You guys make me so happy ^^

-Yuka~Chan ♥

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