Chapter 22|| Morning Texts

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It was early morning when Jungkooks eyes got blinded by the sun that managed to break through the closed curtains. He opened his eyes whilst he blocked out the sun with his hand, as he started to regain conciousness he realised he was still in Jimins room, on the floor, next to his bed. He turned his head to see Jimin who's face was facing him. He was also still holding Jungkooks hand. Jungkook slowly slipped his hand out of Jimins then stood up. What he wasn;t ready for was the pain he started to feel in his back.

Of course.. Firstly my neck and now my back. I need to start thinking how I sleep.

He tried to strech out but of course it was too painful to do it properly so instead he just quietly walked out of Jimins room and walked downstairs. It looked like his parents were back due to thier shoes being near the front door. He wondered if they saw him sleeping next to Jimins bed.. and if they saw them two holding hands. That thought made Jungkook feel uncomfortable as he'd rather not have to explain this quite akward situation to his parents, especially Jimins mom. She might seem like a nice carin woman but she can turn into a monster if you anger her. But maybe she'll think it was to comfort Jimin, it was anyway so why is Jungkook feeling akward about that? Well, he still has feelings to Jimin and even if to Jimin it was just a source of comfort, for Jungkook it was him showing his affection to Jimin. Though he most likely didn't know that, and that was fine with Jungkook after all he and Jimin agreed on the fact that Jungkook won't let his feelings slip and just stay as friends and brothers. That was the best choice eaither way. At least for Jimin. Jungkook on the other hand is only doing this because of Jimin, he wants him to feel comfortable around him and not think about the fact that he has a crush on him. So far it's been working out, at the beginning it was difficult but Jimin eventually forgot about that and now they both live as if Jungkook was never mean towards him.

Jungkook turned the corner to go to the kitchen and eat some breakfast, as he did, he scrolled through his feed on the phone and looked at all the unread messages from the group chat on Messenger. It looked like Hoseok was awake at 3AM in the morning and thought it was a good idea to spam everyone who was in the chat. Including Jungkook.




Anyone awake?


Who's sleeping?


I really want to talk to someone


Can someone please wake up?






I'll just tell ya'll a story.


Once upon a time, there was a beatiful

 paradise named Jhopetopia. 

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