Chapter 37|| Found Out

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|Jimin's Pov|

The weekend has ended and everone went home.

Hoseok was right, this camping idea really did bring us all back together. Ever since then we all started to hang out regularly, mybe not necessarily in a group but we all still hanged out even if it was just two of us or the full seven.

Today I was going to meet up with Hoseok in the dance studio, I was getting myself ready which meant I was packing some clothes to change in to in the studio and obviously packing a water bottle in as well. As I was packing myself I checked the time on my phone and also realised I had an unread text message from Sunni. I smiled tonmysled unlocking the phone and opening my text messages.




I have a question to ask you.


Hi, what would you like to know?


Have you gotten any smarter ever since I left after new year?


Well what a lovely way to start a convo with ur best friend, isn't it?😒


Lol, I'm joking. How are you?


I'm very good actually, what about u?


It's going pretty good. Can't complain. 😊


I also need to tell you something important.


What is it?


So.. me and Jungkook are saying!


Really? Omg! Finally!😁


That sounds like you were waiting forever for that to happen..

Anyway I gtg now, I'm meeting up with Hoseok.

Please don't tell anyone about me and Jungkook





And with that I've put my phone down gor my stuff and almost immediately left the house and just before I left I took a chocolate croissant and left to head to the dance  studio. As I was walking I ate my croissant and observed the moving card that were passing the streets on and on. I also observed the people walking back and forward around me.

Soon after I finished my croissant I was in front of the Dance Studio, I walked in and seconds after I walked into the changing room to change my clothes. After I did I walked to the dance room where Hoseok was already waiting for me by streching his limbs. "What's up" I said putting my stuff down and sitting on the floor next to Hoseok.

"Ello, you ready to jam?" He asked with excitment in his eyes. After I streched for some few more seconds I got up and nodded my head and soon after me and Hoseok were dancing for at least an hour or two. When out time in the dance room ran out we had to go get changed.

Walking back home I reached down to my butt pocket to take my phone out but I didn't found it there, not in the next one either and in others too. That's when I remembered I left the phone at home. I also remembered that my mom said she's call me every now and then to check I was okay while I was leaving. I guess she probably by now has found out I left the phone at home.

I opened my front door took off my shoes and jacket while alarming everhone in the house that I'm home but I didn't hear a reply. My first guess was that someone was sitting in the kitchen. I walked into the room and saw my mom and Jungkook sitting at the kitchen table. "Hey, why hasn't anyone replied to me?" I asked putting my keys on the table, then I realised that my mom looked really angry and Jungkook kept his gaze on his hands that were set down on the table. "Has something happened?.." I asked unsure if that was the right thing to do or not.

"When you were gone I saw your conversation with Sunmi." My mother said and my heart dropped and I nearly choked on air.

"Wh-what?..." I murrmured out as my eyes fell back into Jungkook who seemed to be hiding from everyone by not looking at anyone.

"I can't believe it. How did this happen? Are you two insane? This is insest for God's sake!" My mother was fuming I could tell, she usually would be a nice caring and understanding mother but she isn't taking this very well.. If I were in her place I wouldn't eaither.

"M-mom I-"

"Be quiet when I'm talking!" She shut me down and I bit down on my bottom lip from nerves. "This can't and won't be going on for any more time. I have managed to get you signed up to a new school in America with some help of your aunt." She stated and both my head and Jungkooks head looked up at my mom in disbelief.

"What do you mean?" I asked scared to hear the answer.

"Are you going to-" Jungkook began.

"Send Jimin to a school in America. It's not a problem though, I've been wanting to send you there to improve your learning anyway. Now I have a perfectly good reason to send you there." The woman explained. My legs started to shake.

"M-mom, you can't be serious.."

"I'm a hundred percent serious. You're leaving next week. So I'd start packing of I were you." She stated and I felt heard piling up in my eyes. "I also forbid you two of being together alone. What you two have been doing is purely disgusting." She added and then I felt my heart sting a little at the thought of having to keep away from Jungkook.

"Mom, but you know it's not insest right?" I said and I saw her furrowing her brows even more than before. "You have to be blood related to make it be insest. So technically what me and Jungkook are doing is not-" I was cut off by the feeling of shining pain across my right cheek as my head snapped in that direction.

Did she just slap me?...

"Go pack your shit. Now."


Yes I know you guys hate me now.

Next few chapters are going to be the last just so you guys now,

I'm not sorry

Well I'm kinda sorry, kinda not.


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