Chapter 25|| Sexuality

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|Jungkook's POV|

After we got home me and Jimin both went up to my room for him to help me do my homework, I took it out of my bag, showed it to him and explained what I do not understand about it. Which was about 75% of it.

It made me happy to know that Jimin was wanting to help me even though he was quite tired after the last lesson at school, even our parents noticed Jimins tired face and told him to rest but he kindly said that he wants to help me with my homework first.

God, now that I think about it, I must have been (probabbly still am) a fucking idiot for trying to avoid him and 'hate' him for no reason.. Well there was a reason but I should've just act normaly like I do now. Things are so much better this way and I sleep much better as well, I guess my consiousnes never wanted me to be mean to him all along. "Yah, Jungkook-ah! Are you listening to me?" I snapped back to reality as Jimin questioned me.

"Uh, yeah.. I am." I answered not really sure what I was agreeing to. Jimin didn't look amused as he knew I zoned out a while ago, he crossed his arms and lifted one of his brows up.

"Oh yeah? Well then tell me, what I exactly said."


"Um.. The angles in the triangle add up to 180?" I questioned with a dumb smile on my face which I immedietly wiped off as I saw Jimins unimpressed face. Was he always so scary looking when tired? I sat there waiting for Jimin to blow up but instead his face shifted from unimpressed-angry to fed up-tired and then he sighed. "Ugh, Jungkook-ah! I am trying to help you here but if you are just going to zone out I won't be able to do that!" He whined tilting his head to the back due to all of this.

"Sorry.." I said feeling a little at fult here because the biggest reason I don't understand my homework is because I tend to zone out particulary in maths, so it's no surprise that I always need help in maths homework. "But, maths is just so boring I can't seem to focus!" I reasoned.

"Yes, I noticed, but I think we both know that you need to start listening otherwise you will fail the end year exams and I don't think our parents would be very pleased about that."

"Yeah... I know.." I replied quietly bringing my eyes to the wooden floor.

"How about we take a small break, then?" Jimin suggested and I looked up. "It will refresh your mind so it will be easier for you to focus later." He added, I nodded agreeing with him. "Alright then. I'll go get us something to drink and a snack, what do you want to drink?" He asked.

"Um, just a glass of water will do." I answered while grabbing my pencil to doodle on a random piece of paper I found on my desk.

"Sure." He said and then left the room to go downstairs. As I doodled my mind wandered to different parts of my brain. At first it wasn't much that I was thinking about but then my mind wandered to the topic of Jimin. I wondered about if he could ever be gay, or bisexual. I also wondered if he maybe has a crush or something. Then again I shouldn't be hoping for Jimin to return my feelings one day. Because that would be wrong. It's true that officially we aren't really stepbrothers because our parents haven got married , but I also know that they plan to do that sometime in the future. I need to give up as soon as possible, after all it will be for the better. "Hey, I'm back. I got us some shortbread and as you wanted, a glass of water." I heard Jimin enter the room and I immedietly stopped my mind from thinking about him and looked his way. 

"Great, thank you." I said smiling and taking my glass of water, taking a sip of it. "What drink did you get?" I asked.

"I just got myself a cup of hot green tea." He replied. "Did your mind get refreshed?" He asked after a short while.

"To be honest.. no. I'm still all over the place." I said and Jimin nodded in understanding.

"Then how about we have a small talk then?" He suggested.

"Sure. What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, there is one topic I'd like to ask you about." He said

"What is it?" I asked and it looked like Jimin didn't know how to put his mind into words. Does he.. want to talk about.. No Jungkook that's stupid..

"So this new girl.. Kim Jisoo. What do you think of her?" He asked looking like he was afraid to ask that simple question.

"She's nice and kind. We sit next to each other. Why?" I asked wondering what he could want to know about her. 


Is he intrested in her or something?

It can't be..

"Well, last time you said you're not intrested in her and that you don't even talk, but today you guys seemed like quite close friends and I was wondering that maybe you're-"

"Jimin, you know I'm gay." Was my obvious and quick response. "There is no attraction I feel towards women, and Jisoo is just becoming my friend I guess." I qucikly cleared up the misunderstanding Jimin got. "So if you are intrested in her or whatever than go for it." I added and Jimin looked surprised/confused.

"What? No, I didn't mean to sound like I have a crush on her!" He said and now I was the one who was surprised/confused.

"Then why did you?.."

"Well.. I was just kind of.. Jealous, I guess.." He said looking into his cup of tea as if he was afraid to meet my gaze. 

What does he mean by 'jealous'? As in like a friend-way jealous? Or more like a crush jealous? Could it be that he is developing feelings for me? No. I don't even know if he's bisexual, gay or straight. Maybe even Pansexual or Asexual, who knows what else. "Jimin.. By any chance are you bi, pan, straight, gay or maybe even different sexuality?" I asked and that made him look up at me.

"Honestly.. I don't know what sexuality I am.. At some point I thought I was asexual because I didn't seem to feel attracted to anyone.. But.."


"Ah, I don't know. I think I'm just way too tired for all of this. Sorry if I made you misunderstand something." He said, I saw no point in trying to press on, on him so I just dropped the topic and decided to go back to my homework. After a while I sat on the floor working out lots of different equations while Jimin just sat in front of me making sure I understood correctly each and every single bit. I didn't even notice when the time flew by and I was already finished. I thanked Jimin for helping me but he only smiled and told me goodnight. Afterall he's still tired so it's not a surprise he is going to bed so early. But since all this learning for my homework really got me tired as well I decided to go to sleep too.


So here we can see Jimin being confused over himself like mad lol


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