Chapter 3 || First Day

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Today was a day that Jimin felt quite nervous about and the reasoning for it was simple; Jungkook would be going to school with him. Yes it has already been the weekend and now Jimin just woke up to get ready for school. He wasn't sure if Jungkook is already up but he didn't dare to check if he is or not. So in the end he ended up to just getting dressed himself and going downstairs to eat something and he happened to find Jungkook already there eating some toast with jam on it. 

He seems to like eating toasts with jam.

He thought, he did realise that the Jam was slowly disappearing the same as the bread. Without even realising Jimin was staring at Jungkook and of course he cought him making Jimin snap back to reality and walking to the fridge to get the milk out and the cerial from one of the cupboards. He felt as if he shouldn't even look at Jungkook at all for the rest of the day but that's going to be impossible due to him being told to at least walk with him to school, walk around with him in school for him to get used to the new surroundings and walk back with him from school. Of course he can not look at him while doing that but to Jimin, talking to someone while not looking at them is just rude. Plus he's 99% sure he'll see one of his friends while doing one of those things his mother told him to do.

As he was going to put back the milk in the fridge he realised there was a note left on it.

Jiminie-ah, can you please buy some orange juice and bread after school? I'll pay you back when I'll get the chance.


He sighed to himself once again closing the fridge after reading the note then taking the bowl of his cerial and putting it down on the table where he sat down in front of Jungkook that would still ignore him and started to eat his breakfast. After he finished he of course put the bowl in the dishwasher where Jungkook has put his plate in and seeing that it was already full he decided to put it on so when he gets back he can unload it. Seeing that Jungkook is already ready to go to school and is patiently waiting for Jimin in the hallway next to the front door Jimin walks up to where his shoes are, puts them on, takes his keys and leaves the house with Jungkook silently following him.

Saying that Jimin didn't feel stressed or uncomfortable would be a lie. He really wanted to say something to start a conversation but he knew that Jungkook would ignore him while giving him a glare or reply with something that would kill the conversation while sending him death glares. Yet he also knows that if he's only going to do what Jungkook most likely wants him to do, nothing will change she here he is, walking to school with Jungkook while being all mixed up in his storm of thoughts. 

In the end Jimin didn't dare to speak at least once to Jungkook while they were walking to school but his stress level did not decrease at all but it only has risen up when he spotted his friend Hoseok who was just standing outside the school gates while being on his phone and just as he finish his phone call he immidietly noticed Jimin and a smile grew on his face while walking towards Jimin and Jungkook who hasn't been noticed just yet but as Hoseok got closer his eyes wandered to Jungkook and his facial expression turned into a questioning one. "Hey Jimin, who's this?" He asks pointing to Jungkook who has stopped just like Jimin and Hoseok.

"Um.." Jimin looked at Jungkook not sure if he should introduce him to his friend but then again that couldn't hurt could it? "That's Jeon Jungkook, my stepbrother." He said pointing towards Jungkook with his hand not sure how to exactly react to all of this. Hoseok knew how Jungkook acts around Jimin just like the rest of his friends and Jimin thought that if he treats him like the worst person on planet Earth he'd do the same to his friends but instead Jungkook reached out his hand with somewhat a smile on his face towards Hoseok and of course he gladly shook the hand. 

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