Chapter 4|| Dance Studio

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Today was one of those days where Jungkook had no idea what to do. He already checked all his social media, done all of his homework and he's still bored to the core. He's been sitting on his bed for the past half-an-hour trying to come up with at least one thing he could do, but nothing. Technically he's still not used to being in a new place instead of his family home so that might be adding up to his empty mind at the moment. 

He reached for his phone once more and just then, as if on call, he got a text message. 


Without a second thought he opened the text and read what his new friend for the past few days wanted from him.


Hello, hello?


Hoseok, you're texting me not calling


 True, true.


Anyways! I'm bored are you free?


Yeah, I'm free


Great! Do you know where is the nearest Dance Studio?




Well then ask Jimin cuz I'm leaving right now


Why won't you just tell me through the text?


Because that's effort


And you two need to start warming up to each other



After that last text Hoseok sent Jungkook he turned off the screen and sighed to himself. "What an idiot..." He said to himself not wanting to actually go and talk to Jimin but he knows there's no other choice unless he wants to stay in his room and be bored for the rest of the weekend. Slipping his phone into his back pocket he got up from his bed and headed out of his room to stand in front of Jimins. He took a deep breath before putting up an act to not show any signs that could bring hope to the short guy. Jungkook knocked twice waiting for a response and just few seconds after the door opened revealing Jimin who was standing still in his pj's and messy hair, behind him was his desk with tons of books and paper all over it.

Doing homework..

His eyes quickly shift on Jimin who was obviously shocked to see Jungkook in front of his room. "Hoseok told me you know where the nearest Dance Studio is. Can you tell me where it is?" Asked Jungkook and Jimin, as if in a trance before snapped back to reality trying to find the right words to reply with.

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