Chapter 5|| Hoseoks Masterplan

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It's already near November and just after that is December which means Christmas and then New Years. With that in mind Jimin already started to write himself a list of presents for everyone. By everyone he means his family and close friends, though he did have a money limit so he had to think hard. For his mother he'd thought that something that will be from his heart will be enough, for his friends some simple things that suit thier hobbies will be fine too. The only problem left for him was his stepdad and Jungkook. He had no idea what he could get them, at first he'd thought he'd get them chocolates but that would be more sutiable for birthdays.

In the end he decides that for his stepdad he'll get a watch or something along these lines, but for Jungkook he was still stuck, at his desk with a piece of paper while writing down any ideas. If only he knew few things about his stepbrother he'd at least have some idea on what to buy him but because of the situation of Jungkook hating him he knows barely anything.

Technically he could ask his own friends about Jungkook and with that he could buy him a present but at the same time he thinks that, that would be a bit embarassing.

Giving up on the thing for now he folds the paper with a list of presents and moves it to the side of his desk while taking out his homework and quickly scanning through it, to then do it. Today both of his parents were working until late at night to it was just him and Jungkook. Thier parents said to not bother with cooking any dinner and to just order some take-away which was fine with both of them, but ever since they came back home from school; none of them came out of thier own rooms yet. Which means that no one knows if the other is hungry to order the take-away or not. Jimin, of course, thinks that if Jungkook was hungry he'd just order something not even asking Jimin if he wants some or not but it's already been four hours and Jungkook hasn't ate anything as far as he knows.

The truth is, Jimin was hungry long time ago but he was honestly too scared to go and ask Jungkook if he's okay with ordering some food at that time or not, instead he was just sitting at his desk doing that list of presents and now his homework. He doesn't focus at all. He can't focus. His hunger was raising more and more; to the point he nearly grabbed his phone and just ordered a pizza but before he'd done that he stoped himself and finally decided to go and ask Jungkook if ordering a simple pepperonni pizza is fine.

In the hallway he walked up to Jungkooks door and took a deep breath before knocking on his door. Before he could actually do that, a sudden voice made him jump up a little, starttling him enough to nearly dropping his phone on the floor. He turned his head to face Jungkook who simply asked him: "What are you doing?" in his bored but angry sounding voice, before Jimin could answer Jungkook pushed past him to open his room door. Realising that Jungkook will slam the door on Jimins face he puts his foot in between the door to stop him doing that, adn to both of thier surprise it worked. Jimin was surprised because he actually managed to break out of his little trance of fear he always has around Jungkook and Jungkook got surprised because never in his right mind he'd think that Jimin would actually not give up on trying to talk to him. Though he didn't show it on his face. "What is it?" He spat out with now an angry look adding to his voice. Jimin cleard his throat.

"I wanted to ask you if ordering a medium size pepperonni pizza would be fine with you." He said and for a second he thought that Jungkooks eyes lit up at the word 'pizza' being brung up, but he knew he was just imagining things. Jungkook took a second to think while looking out a window in his room.

"Yeah whatever. Is that all?" He answered while also asking a question, trying to get Jimin out of the way.

"Yes, that's all. I'll tell you when the pizza gets here." Said Jimin removing his foot out of the doorway.

"Don't bother. I'm not hungry. I'll just microwave it later." Jungkook said shortly after that closing the door. Jimin sighed to himself feeling the very known by him feeling of rejection. Sure it's not really that big of a deal but to Jimin it's like being thrown out the window for a millionth time by the same person who just hates him to the core.

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