Chapter 33|| Which Team

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|Jungkook's Pov|

Today in school Hoseok decided to bring up an idea he had made a few hours ago, honestly I thought he was joking at first since the idea came up out of the blue and was kinda stupid, and what he said was this: "Hey guys let's go camping in the forest this weekend." Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at the guy as they thought they heard him wrong.

"You what?" Yoongi asked obviously hoping the younger is joking around as always but unfortunately it wasn't the case.

"What do you mean camping?" Namjoon asked. "And in the forest?" He added.

"Well, I've realised that recently we haven't hanged out all together like we used to." He begun to explain to stop the guys from asking him questions. "I have nothing to do in the weekend and I also found some tents in my basement the other day when I was looking for my old rollerskates-"

"Wait, you were looking for your old rollerskates?" Jimin asked holding back his smile or laugh.

"Isn't rollerskating for girls though?" Yoongi asked not wanting to miss out on this fun of laughing at Hoseok.

"Hey! Guys, we're not supposed to focus on the fact I used to rollerskate but on the camping!" Hoseok called out trying to get everyone focused once more but after that sentence everyone had a hard time to hold in thier laugh, even I felt like laughing out loud.

"So you used to rollerskate, huh?" Taehyung questioned mockingly.

"That was a long time ago guys. I was a kid." He tried to explain but the rest weren't letting him go so easily.

"Yet you still were looking for them, I wonder why." Namjoon asked retorically making others laugh like the same fact Hoseok used to rollerskate wasn't enough.

"Honestly you guys, I'm done with rollerskating. Anyway since when is it a girl only thing?"

"Why are you getting so worked up? It's alright to like girly things." Jimin said with a smirk on his face. Hoseok sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, tired of trying to win this little battle and just gave up. I thought I should save him from this funny bullying.

"Alright guys I think we should finally hear him out." I said calling everyone down and I saw Hoseok flash me a smile before he cleared his throat and got ready to get back on the topic.

"So as I was saying, when I found the tents I thought that maybe we all could go out camping; plus it's kinda warm now so it wouldn't hurt now, would it?" He said hoping to get a positive response.

"Well, I guess it isn't such a bad idea, but other than just camping do you plan on having us do anything else?" Seokjin spoke up and Hoseok turned to look at his hyung.

"I did come up with a fun little competition we could do but I ain't spoiling it to you guys just yet." He replied and Seokjin nodded, probably going to think wether to agree or not. I on the other hand didn't mind if we did go camping since it sure would be fun and refreshing.

I just wondered if Jimin wanted to go or not. If he didn't want to go I'd stay with him because, now that our parents are always busy he'd be really lonely and of course I wouldn't want that at all. "If everyone's going then I'll go too." I said getting acknowledged by the rest.

"I guess it's not a bad idea, my mom keeps on telling me to leave the house so now she won't be able to bother me." Said Taehyung while rocking back and forwards on the chair he was sitting on.

"Yeah, I think we do need to hang out together again. I'm in." Namjoon stated smiling at everyone.

"I'm in too." Added Seokjin also smiling.

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