Chapter 11|| Advice

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They stood motionless as they both had no idea what to do so they both just looked different ways, Jimin stood silently but Jungkook walked around Jimin to escape this akward situation and headed straight for the exit, as fast as he could he went back to his house where he imidietly went to his room where he took off his jumper leaving him in his black tee and jeans. He threw his phone with the jumper on his bed and started to pace up and down his room. He was really stressed, he really messed up.

I fucked everything up, didn't I?

I was supposed to keep my fucking distance from him, why.. what did I think that night?!

It's not like I couldn't think straight, I could to some extent, obviously more than he did but still.. for Gods sake!

Jungkook you're a fucking imbecile! 

At some point of arguing with himself Jungkook stopped to look at himself in the mirror that he had which was a full body lenght. His mind wondered to his back which was really painful since this morning, he reached down to the hem of his shirt and slowly raised it up then he turned sideways to be able to see his back enough to see whatever was on it. What he saw was not what he expected at all.

All of those marks.. they're scratches...

His mind went back to that night as he examined the scratches that were causing him quite a lot of pain this morning. For him that memory of last night is nothing more than anger and embarassment. Why? He let his emotions slip and that's what happened, what would happen if he slipped his emotions once more? But even though he hates to admit it, a part of him hidden deep inside him is suffering knowing that something like this won't ever happen again.

After few minutes of being in thought he shifted his shirt back down then turned around only to find rather shocked Jimin standing outside his wide open room. Knowing that Jimin must have seen the scratches Jungkook bit his lower lip then walked up to close the door with no care that Jimin is there. He then walked up to get his phone and dialed the first number he found, which ended up being Seokjin. "Jin-hyung? Are you busy?" He asked not wanting to stay in this house longer than he should.

"No, I'm recovering from last night, why? Has something happened?" 

Damn, he really does know when there's something wrong with someone..

"Well, kind of.. I need your advise but in person. Can I come over?" He said looking outside his window.

"Of course, just bare in mind that I'm still hungover so please don't speak too loudly when here."

"Alright.. Thanks.." Jungkook said ending the conversation and a second after that heading downstairs to put his shoes on and he walked to the bus stop to wait for the nearest bus to take him to Seokjin's house. While sat on the bus he listened to his favorite playlist which he always relaxed at. He didn't think about anything as he watched the trees and buildings pass, in the meantime he got a text from his dad.


We'll be back by tomorrow, hope you guys didn't manage to murder each other yet.

He didn't reply, he wasn't in the mood for it plus it was time for him to get off anyway. He walked casually to the neighbourhood where Seokjin lived taking in the fresh air. Jungkook rang the doorbell to Seokjins house and a minute after Seokjin himself opened the door to let Jungkook in. "Thanks for letting me come." Jungkook said coming inside the house.

"No problem, I'm always here for everyone. So, what's up?" Seokjin asked as he led Jungkook to his room as the livingroom was taken by Seokjins parents.

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