Chapter 27|| Instagram

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|Jimins POV|

Things have been different lately.. By different I mean Jungkook has started to spend more and more time with Jisoo, she even came over to our house once and my mom thought she was Jungkooks girlfriend. She stayed for dinner and all I did was eat quietly while listening to thier conversation. 

Things at school have changed as well, Jungkook stopped hanging out with the group and instead he's been spending time with Jisoo. What a surprise I know.. Note the sarcasm there. Am I angry about all of this? Well, yeah. No point in hiding it right? It's probably because I haven't known Jungkook for long enough and I just still want to get to know him, but since he's busy talking with Jisoo all the time I've started to go on lonely walks more often and speak less throughout the days. I know it's wierd and all but I myself don't know sometimes why I'm doing things, especially when it all comes to Jungkook. I feel as if something much bigger controls me when it comes to Jungkook and I seem having more and more trouble hiding the fact that I am not okay with him not hanging out with our group. 

"Hey, Jimin. Are you walking home with Jungkook today?" Asked me Yoongi as I started to pack my belongings into my backpack at the end of the last lesson.

"No." I replied simply while picking up my backpack and putting it over my shoulder. Yoongi looked up at me confused.

"Why not? You used to walk home together all the time." He said and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, since he found an intrest, he has kinda forgot that he has other friends and family." I said letting some of my jelously slip out. Yoongi noticed it pretty easily.

"Wow, you jelous?" He asked with his mocking face, I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him.

"Come on, he's practically never home, it's kinda quiet and boring you know?" I said speaking the truth.

"Well, fine. If I see him I'll tell him to start thinking about spending more time with his older brother who is acting like a child jelous of others toys."

"Yah! Don't you dare!"

"Or what? You'll kill me in my sleep? I'd be the first one to do that." He stated and I felt a cold chill run down my spine.

"Anyway, I'll get going now. Bye-bye." I said and left the classroom and soon left the school as well. I decided to head to the Dance Studio since I haven't been there in a while and it would probably help me relieve some thoughts.

When I got there I went to a empty practice room where I placed my stuff against a wall then took out my phone to put some music on to dance to. The second I heared known to me sound of music my body naturally started to dance to the slow and quiet song that I used to listen to all the time but I stopped for some reason. My mind went blank as all I could think about was the music and how it makes me feel, I never really listened into the lyrics much, only at that time I really got the meaning of the song. It made me stop in my tracks just to listen to the song more. Was it always this sad? 

I sat down and listened to it a few more times. I wonder what the author of this song felt when they wrote the song. The song was clearly about being scared to lose the loved one, but not like a family member, it was being scared of losing the 'one and only'. After a while of analyzing the song I finally got back up while changing the song and continuing to dance, the only time I stopped dancing was when my phone started to buzz signalizing that someone is calling me. I walked over to see who it is but I immedietly ignored the call since I saw it was from Jungkook. 

I also have stopped talking with him,I thought there's no need since he is much busier with his friend. It might be rude not to pick up yet at that time and moment I couldn't care less about being rude. If he asks why I didn't pick up I'll just say my phone was on silent and I was dancing. Easy enough right? 


Few hours passed by when I finally felt the need of going home to eat something and probably doing some homework. I was quite sweaty so that meant that I'll also have to take a shower when I get back. 

Picking up all my stuff I left the studio and peacefully walked home trying to not focus on anything specific and just to have a clear mind. When I got home I could smell mom cooking dinner already I greeted her and my stepfather and instead of eating something like I wanted to, I decided I would just wait for dinner to be ready and wait in my room. 

In my room I sat down on my bed and decided to chcek my social media on my phone. Whilst I was on instagram Jungkooks new post popped up which was him with Jisoo taking a selfie. Sure just a selfie but I managed to see that Jungkook had his arm around her shoulder, that picture made me open up Jungkooks instagram profile only to see more pictures of him and Jisoo sometimes only Jisoo. I don't know what but something made me comment under one of the pictures saying: 'I wish you'd come and hang out with us again.' I didn't say that just because I felt that way. Everyone was missing Jungkook at our table. I sighed turning off my screen and laying back on my bed only to stare at the cealing. 

It felt so unnatural for me to be jelous over someone, it almost made me feel sick about myself. I'm usually the understanding one who doesn't mind those kind of things. So why do I feel like I want to take Jungkook away from Jisoo for ever? 

I hated that feeling. It's not a nice feeling and it doesn't do any good to anyone. I sat up wanting to get up and walk downstairs to help my mom out but a knock on the door decided to stop my actions and instead go over to open the door to see who is wanting to talk to me. 

It was Jungkook..

"Jimin, we need to talk." 


Jungkook wants to talk to Jimin but does Jimin want to? 

Well. Spoiler alert:

He does lol


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