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IT WAS A SUNNY day when Jihoon opened his eyes. He was in his room, lying in bed. He adjusted himself from the brightness. And when everything was now visible, Jihoon instantly catches a glimpse of a familiar man lying unconscious beside him. To be more specific a demon.

     "Hey, Lee Taeil. Get out of my bed and get ready. We're heading to school later," Jihoon stated as he looked at Taeil who was peacefully sleeping beside him.

     "Hmm," Taeil replied, ignoring Jihoon. He then grabbed a pillow and covered his face with it. Jihoon was tempted to snatch it away from him, but this scene had been so repetitive that he gave up in an instant and just stood from the bed instead so he could head to the bathroom to do his business.

     It's been three months since their battle with the ghouls and Kharon, and of course, since Woo Jiho's death.  The Demons and the Arcs had been together 24/7 since they had to get ready for their battle with the King of Hell. They've been training their strengths and powers nonstop. They've been sharing their knowledge about each other, especially weaknesses of the underworld. And through that, these two groups had been in a good relationship with each other.

     "Lee Taeil!" Jihoon shouted with full force the moment he got out of the bathroom.

     "Fine okay! I'm standing already. No need to shout babe," Taeil teased as he was slowly standing up while aggressively scratching his head.

    "What the fuck did you call me!? Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?!" Jihoon angrily continued as he approached Taeil.

     "Jesus Christ, chill out! Why are you always shouting at me?" Taeil angrily said back while covering his ear. But Jihoon only looked at him angrily and shouted again, "Stop using our God's name in vain! Especially in the holy home!"

     "Whatever, I'm gonna take a piss," Taeil stated as he went to the bathroom.

     These two have been arguing ever since the Demons moved in, but they're also the closest ones next to Mark and Jackson, who are already together, so they're basically near the stage of being together as well. It's a love and hate relationship.

     While Jihoon was waiting for Taeil, the door of his room suddenly opened.

     "Morning asshole. Breakfast is ready," said Jiyong with a smirk on his face. Jihoon angrily looked at the Prince of Pride and shouts, "No cursing!"

     "Come on, who follows that?" Then Jiyong closed the door and left.

     Ever since the Demons started sleeping 3 days a week in the Holy Home, it's been really loud and messy. But to be honest, the Arcs are starting to enjoy their time with them. You can say the holy home has been more like a home now with the Demons there.

     "Let's go!"

     Taeil was done so he and Jihoon went to the dining room to see the Arcs and Demons already getting ready to eat their breakfast.

     "Good, they're here. Take your seats and let's bless the food," Dongmin stated as the two sat down on their respective seats. The Arcs were at the right side of the table, while the Demons were at the left, and as usual, Park Dongmin was in the middle.

     Everyone started to hold their hands and was ready to pray. As the angels were praying, the Demons were trying their best to fight the pain they were feeling inside their chest. They still weren't used to these rituals, especially that they were Demons. And not just demons but also PRINCES of HELL.

     "Amen," they finally finished.

     "Let's eat!" Minhyuk shouted as everyone starting getting the food and placing it on top of their plates. As everyone started eating, Sunggyu placed his chopsticks on the side and said, "So guys, it's been three months now and nothing has happened yet. I bet the Demons in hell are also preparing for the said battle."

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