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PARK DONGMIN PLACE THE key and the box - which contained Kharon the Second's ring - back to the cabinet. The sons were back in Korea after their quick visit to Tokyo. Now, they're ready to face the challenges of Hell.

     "Whatever happens in there kids, I will pray for you all," Dongmin stated as he turned around to see everyone standing in front of the mirror where they used to communicate with their fathers.

      Today was the day where the sons were about to enter hell. Everyone prepared themselves, but no words could describe how utterly terrified the sons were, especially the Arcs.

     "All you need to do is use your powers of invisibility, nothing else. Once you enter hell, go look for your fathers. And they will instruct you on what to do next," Dongmin stated as he looked at the Demons.

     "Yes, we will do our best," Hyunseung answered. Then Taeil looked at the Arcs' guardian and said, "But what if we get lost? Isn't hell just as big as earth?"

     "Don't worry, you all have Demon blood. Once you enter hell, you'll feel like you've been there a thousand times now. You'll know the paths like you've walked past them before. Getting lost is very impossible," he answered. Then he looked at the Arcs and continued, "The things that you'll be seeing inside hell, is the most gruesome and disturbing things you'll see in your entire existence. You're angels, and things that you haven't even imaged will be there. You can still stay and let the Princes of Hell do it themselves if your minds aren't mentally prepared for this."

     "No, we will continue. This is what we've trained for. And weren't you the one who told us that we need to see what we're trying to face and defeat?" Junhyung explained.

     "I know, but I'm just worried that I might be wrong, Hell is nothing like our paradise. It's-" Seunghyun held Dongmin's shoulder and reassured him that they'll be okay. "Don't worry, we will do our best no matter what happens," he stated, and finally, Dongmin nodded.

     "Okay. Taeil, open the gates of Hell. Open the gates of your home. With all my heart, May God be with you and your Spirits," Dongmin stated as he steps aside and Taeil went in front.

     Taeil looked at the mirror and gently touched the surface of it. After that, he closed his eyes, and the mirror started to show a picture. Something red, something burning. Taeil removed his hands from the mirror and looked back at his brothers, "Ladies first."

     Sunggyu was ready but scared at the same time. But as the leader of the group, he had to act like the toughest one of all the demons. His gaze changed as he said, "Brothers, let's go."

     Sunggyu went in first, and then everyone followed. Then the mirror quickly closed.

     "Good luck kids,"  Dongmin stated as he looked at his own reflection, then left the room.


 "Okay, we only have a few minutes. Let's look for our fathers and be..." Sunggyu suddenly stopped when he slowly turned around and saw how big Hell actually was.

     It was a place that would give you nightmares. Screams would be heard from afar, walls were covered with bodies, like they were made as a temporary cement. It gave the Arcs goosebumps, but for the Demons, it felt like home.

     "Wow guys didn't know your kingdom was THIS big," Woohyun stated sarcastically as he was fascinated by how weirdly beautiful this flaming kingdom looked like.

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